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So I got out of there. Honestly, I was scared. I didn't know he was like that. I thought he was like the Big Bad Wolf guy but he was like every other story, a Villian being nice. So now I'm walking home down the street of Murry Avenue. It was so peaceful and so quiet. My house is all the way on the far end of the block. It had yellow bricks, yellow stairs, and as you can guess, a yellow roof. Before my mom died, she called it the yellow house. Her scream haunts me every night. But I'm not about to go into that. I go into the house and go straight upstairs. I do my homework and straight to bed thinking about what went down in the bathroom. "James get your butt downstairs and do these chores." "OK, but can you stop yelling at me?" "Alright son, just come do your chores." So I do them and go right back upstairs. I was exhausted from nothing. But I had a weird day so I had a reason to be exhausted.

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