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A: it's time for celebration....Yaahooooo !!!!!!!......

           Both Arjun and Abhi were dancing like a clown earning a glare from their family members....

           Pragya was embarrassed and her ears became pink.....whereas Riya was smiling seeing her bro and fiance happy.....

Pu: Abhi enough yaar....why are you so excited?'s Ajju wedding only na....why are you behaving like this?...

A: because my life.....

           he started to blurt out.....but Pragya came on right time....

P: his princess is getting married only....hey na suniye...

A: haan haan...

            he grinned sheepishly.....

        Party went on well and the pairs were happily spending their time.....Guests started to leave....Pragya was having a hectic day.....she look after the arrangements.....welcoming guests and sending off the guests and taking care of cutie....she was so busy.....and now to look after the arrangements of suhaagraat.....suhaagraat???
Purbul's suhaagraat..... (three or four shots after Abhigya's hot romance.....happy???!!!!)

A: fuggi.....fuuuuggi.....

       she was busily decorating Purbul's room....he was catch holding her pallu and was pestering her like a baby....

P: what you want suniye...
          she asked irately.....

A: shall I have a drinks party with my friends....

          she paused her work and looked up at him with hands on her hip...

P: Friends?....Puru bhai gonna celebrate his night.....prem bhai is after sweety.....Aakash hasn't arrived.....then......Ajju....that means you two insane craps gonna drink ?....

A: See fuggi.....Aakash has newly born kid to look after..... prem has to look after his unborn champ and my darling Puru is on mission waiting with a coming soon board.....but I neither have a baby in my hand nor here ( pointing her flat tummy )   nor on board is I'm waiting......the only trump card for me is my darling Ajju...

               Pragya gasped in shock and closed her mouth with her hands she never had a chance to utter any more.....Abhi snapped to make her come back to sense...

A: say something na...

P: you yourself said everything na....okay be in your the way....when did you so well gelled up with Ajju....

A: he is gonna marry my princess.....moreover he is a nice guy you know.....and I started to like him....wish he was a girl I would have loved him.....married him and blessed with babies....

            He said blushing and his cheeks turned pink.....seeing this Pragya shook her head in disbelief......

P: cheeeee.....
            she took a step back....

A: what ????

P: suniye.....are you gay???...

A: wish I was... once again he blushed irritating pragya....

P: throw your wish in trash....

          She started to beat him with pillow....he ran out...

P: I think he's turning more only should save Ajju from him....better we should unite soon....

A: good atleast you thought about it...

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