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Abhi got ready in Pragya's favourite shirt....with his blue denim...
He set his hair with a curve in his lips...He was literally blushing.....He gave a flying kiss to their wedding photo....He descended the stairs and ignited the engine and forwarded towards his destiny.....his love....his reason to

On the other side Pragya got ready in the ever gorgeous red saree....she wore her mangalsutr....nearly after a month.....she filled her hairline with a hint of happy tear....she wore her chasma....And waited for her love...her life...

She decorated the place filled with a very romantic manner.....Her cheeks were pink...and she was so happy....she was sparkling with joy...

She dimmed the lights....and waited for him....As she heard the car's parking sound she beamed...

A: fuggi....fuggi....

He excitedly came running in...

P: I know that I hurted you a lot...I'm sorry pathi.....I promise you that I won't act anymore for any cost....I want you to love me as you do always...I want our family to be a complete one.....I'm not so romantic like you....but still....I want to convey something to you....

You were ready to forgive were ready to accept me in the way I' were ready to love me were kind enough to tolerate my every negates.....You were ready to accept me and lead our life happily....but in between somewhere something went wrong playing in our life....its okay....

I'm ready to start our life fresh...just our lovely future....So husband.....Will you love me like before?......Shall we start our life new???

As the light went on.....Pragya went on her knees with a gift in her hand...proposing Abhi....Abhi was dumbstruck by her sudden proposal...Tears were unstoppable for both of them.....It was a mixed emotion....Happiness was a bit more....

Abhi slowly lifted her and pulled her for a bear hug...he let out his sorrows and worries there.....
Pragya too hugged him back with so much love....

He loosened his grip and smiled at her....and kissed her forehead...

A: I love you......he whispered....

P: love you too suniye....she too whispered....

He chuckled and kissed all over her face....She giggled like a child....Atlast his eyes met her rose bud lips...she blushed seeing him staring at her lips....he leaned forward and both kissed passionately.....pouring the love in their lovely kiss....

Being short of breath both broke the kiss...Abhi smiled at her....Pragya blushed and hugged him...

A: missed this lovely moments....

P: me too...

Abhi was distracted by her attractive smell....He started nuzzling her neck and started placing open mouth the process of leading her to bedroom....

A: oh're hair smell is not less than a drug to me....soon I'm gonna become addict to it....

Pragya smiled and closed her eyes feeling his lips on her bare neck...his hand was roaming on her milky waist....making her no seconds both were on bed....Abhi was on top of her...

P: su....suniye

A: mmmm

P: suniye ...

she slightly pushed his head away from her neck

I am possessive...Very very possessive (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now