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              On the another Maldives.....ArYa were enjoying their honeymoon....Akash booked a royal honeymoon suit which consist of lonely island and underwater was such a lovely place.....

R: Ajju I love this place....
she said wandering around the suit....

A: yeah....

R: bhai is really romantic....see he have arranged a wonderful place for honeymoon....

A: I agree with you....

R: come Ajju.....lets go to beach....

A: sure.....wear something comfortable and come....I'll wait for you in shore....

R: okay....

Riya pov....

            Today I'm gonna seduce my Ajju.....and I'm gonna take the first may think that I only took first step on my suhaagraat....but no....he completely dominated me...*pout*.....but I liked it....*blush* so today its my day.....

                 But I don't know what to to do that.....better I ask some all will be embarrassing....better I google it....

               Oh!!!! my!!!!! god!!!! I never thought that saree is the best seductive attire....

             Okay Riya....come on you can do it! night is gonna be an awesome and memorable one.....Kids better stay away!!!!


B: I love Mauritius.....

             she said inhaling fresh air...legs dipped in blue sea....Purab hugged her from behind...

P: I know only....I requested for this place....

B: I never thought that my puru will become so smart....

P: thanks honey....

               he said kissing her shoulder blade....

B: puru its really nice na....we both alone in this biggg resort....when we call helpers!

               She said like a baby....Puru smiled at her....

B: come lets go take a look will be fun na!

P: I don't understand what fun is there in that....

             he said disbelieving....

B: it will be nice na...

P: God!!!! you look so mature but you don't know about honeymoon....

B: just shut your I want to sight see....

             she said stubbornly crossing her hands....

P: its already dawn...

B: its okay....

P: but....

              she glared at other go....He nodded....she smiled and hugged him....and kissed his cheek....he too smiled and accompanied her....


Ajju pov....

                I asked her to come
fast....but she....For wearing a crop top and knickers....taking this much time.....

              wait!!!!...what I'm baby in saree...*gasp*....oh she is gorgeous.....she is hot....oh that sensual're killing me baby....

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