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            " Please please....please suniye...just  get me ten....its enough" sje pleaded....", once we go home you ask dadi and then you can its unhygienic" Abhi chided. "I really wanna eat sour...please....I want pani puri with meeta chutney...atlease get me a packet of pickle. I'll lick and come all the know bhai cared keethu so much during her pregnancy...I've just started having cravings but you're not ready to fulfil it....bad hubby...." she faked a cry....Abhi sighed seeing her throwing tantrums.....Its been weeks they have spending their lovey dovey time in their farm house.....still Abhi is amazed about the little miracle they had created....All these days his main task was coochie cooing his baby wife....At times Pragya was behaving like a baby....and he was having tough time....yet he love it....Now they were heading back to share the good news with their family....but still he's angry about the betrayal....

" Suniye....are you listening? "  she asked him...." yes I'm" he said concentrated on driving...." then please get me a tamirand at least for my mouth.....your baby is forcing me to have that..please please pretty please...." she pleaded him. " Fine let me halt in the next shop to get you something...." " you Suniye....."

               As he said he parked in the departmental store....and they went in.....Pragya saw pickles and was selecting.....when her eyes met with basket of raw mangoes....she grinned.." I want that mango...." Abhi looked at her and chuckled seeing her new new cranky behaviours and was thoroughly enjoying...." I think this is better than your panipuris and pickle" he smiled and led her to the fruots section...and she picked four mangoes" I think this will do" she commented....Abhi smiled seeing her like this...

           " mmmm......its so nice.....I think my baby is liking the taste....Suniye you want a bite?" she asked him....All the way he was looking at her in between his drive in amuse....she was eating such a sour mango without any problem...while his teeth became just by seeing when she offered he gave his evergreen horrified look...
" enjoy..." he gently rejected....

              " suniye....control your anger and don't ever hurt them.....if they hurt you it doesn't mean that you too should throw the same dagger " she said as they walked towards the mansion...." at times you behave like a child and now like a saint..." he said utterly confused...." its not me behaving like that its your baby making me all the more cranky..." she pouted....he chuckled...side hugged and pulled her in the home....

              They all were upset as they both left and when they saw Abhigya...They were so happy..."Pragya...I'm sorry beta....I didn't meant to hurt...I just thought about my Abhi's happiness...will you forgi....."  dadi asked with a hint of tear....Pragya sealed dadi's mouth with her hand and hugged her.....And followed by dadi everyone apologised to her and Abhi...except for the black sheeps..." Sorry Abhi....we'd not do anything wantedly" one of them apologised honestly...Abhi simply stared at him...."please Abhi...Please....I'm really sorry" he pleaded..."better be...." Abhi snapped "I forgave you...get lost"....."Thanks man" he hugged him...Abhi too reciprocated....

                     But Abhi expected this from Arjun...but he was least bothered and was playing with his fingers...." you'll never regret this decision.....I'll make sure" he once again assured him and Abhi smiled lightly...And he was happy that Abhi forgave him....Abhi was waiting for Arjun to come....having enough he headed to room irritated......."PYAAAARRRR" a voice came from behind....Abhi grinned happily and turned and opened his arms " DARLINGGG!!!!".....Arjun came running towards Abhi and hugged knocing him down to the floor...."Ewww" Ria and Pragya made a puking face...." why it took so much time for you?" Abhi asked him..." First of all Arjun get off my husband and second of all stop this nasty scene....Godd!!! I can't tolerate this!" Pragya yelled.....Everybody were looking at she won't be outbursts like that....Ajju chuckled and got off from him" Sorry hardship hun?" Arjun hugged him with hint of tears..." she asked me to separate you both...but I can neither leave you nor separate planned to torture you with my's it? " Arjun asked. " too good and loving it! " Abhi said smiling...Both were hugging and family were watching happily their reunion....." missed you buddy! I know you would have enjoyed these two weeks with your wife but I was missing you so much" Ajju said sniffing fakely " stop behaving like a dramaqueen I'm here let's have full masti chatting pulling each others leg and bullying others...."Abhi said excitedly 

                     They heard sniffing and crying sound.." Arrey Ajju I said na I forgave you...and we gonna be like before and why are you still sniffing and crying" Abhi said breaking the hug..." I'm not crying" he said and turned to see while Pragya crying and everyone were looking at her weirdly. " bhai why is she behaving like this? " Ria asked her..." yaa...bhabhi is very sensible and I've never seen her like cranky and weird" keethu said worried....

                   " Nothing serious dear....iys just hormones making her act like that.....I've spend whole two days on Internet researching about it and watching the videos based on it " Abhi explained casually....making dadi and keethu grin happily....." I think I  got it right" keethu said excitedly.....Dadi went near Pragya who was wiping her tears..." got little emotional....stop picturising me as an idiot" she muttered under her breath...." beta are you ...." before dadi completes Pragya blushed making all the more clear....Dadi became so happy and hugged her...." congrats bhabhi" keethu hugged her and Abhi was grinning widely......while others were looking at the trio confusedly....

                  " what's happening here?" Arjun asked everyone....." somebody care to explain " Ria said stomping her feet...." New member is gonna come!!!" Dadi said...." oh! Who's that? Your friend? " asked no one in particular. Dadi shut her eyes....not knowing to do with them...." we've gonna get a partner for my champ! " karan said excitedly..." really !!!!" even Arjun understood but not Ria.... "hhuh? can't understand" Ria said...."Your gonna become it enough?" Arjun said..." How dare you to call me aunty?" she asked offended. Arjun smiled and said" I wanna say something to you baby.....GET LOST!" and he went to his own room.....Ria followed him red in anger threatening him to stop at his way....." I think he's gonna tell her Practically rather than know" he winked making Pragya crimson...and embarrassed.....

                       " I'm so happy for you beta. ask whatever you everything...say beta" Dadi said caressing Pragya's hair lovingly.....Pragya was thinking what to ask...." I think bhabhi gonna ask something big...." keethu said caressing her big baby bump...Abhi smiled and trio looked at her eagerly.....

               At last she said..." I want PANI PURI !!!"  making others gasp!


                       Finally gave the bonus chapter....about epilogue.....will from tomorrow quarterly final quarterly exams in school....I'll try to update....I really don't know why my brain gets enlightenment during exam times alone!

                  Okay now answer my questionnaire...its for everyone....take part

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Take care guys...  love you all....missing you all....hopefully meet you all in a new os!!!

             See you soon guys....



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