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A: I've texted her to come. She'll come now

Ar: How should I call your wife?
Di or Bhabi or Pragya or what to call?

A: it's better to call her by name.
       Arjun the truth which you gonna know in few minutes is gonna kill you....but I'm sure you will get a nice girl for your kind heart....

Ar: arrey what are you thinking about?

A: Nothing....

         Abhi noticed Pragya coming downstairs.....She signed him that she is really frightened about the reaction of Arjun....Abhi closed his eyes for a second making a sign of assurance that nothing will happen....This was not noticed by Arjun because the stairs was few steps behind him.

A: Atlast my fuggi....Mrs. Pragya Abhishek Mehra came

Ar: Where is my sister?

              Abhi signed him that she is just behind him. He turned with lovely smiling face.....But it didn't last even for a second or two.

Abhi thinks......sorry Arjun...I know you are completely broken.But this is really needed now. I want you to know the truth and move on in your life.

A: Meet my wife Pragya...Pragya Abhishek
                   He said that by holding her waist

P: Hello Arjun. Today he was continuously talking about you only
               She told that casually. But inside she was crying thinking about Arjun's state.

Hearing that Arjun smiled a little.

Ar: Hello

P: for what?

Ar: For dancing with my friends wife....

        Pragya and Abhi smiled at his innocence.

P: Nothing wrong in it Arjun. Did my suniye feel bad for acting with models?

A: Why I should feel?

P: See Arjun.  How shameless he is? You know Arjun, he won't dance alone, he will do romance,  and all other things also with another girl....who is gonna be wife of someone....but danced with me modestly only na...then why are you feeling bad?

A: So someone is jealous and possessive...

P: Nothing like are the one who is jealous and possessive.

A: Me way

P: Aahan....she signed that she'll remove the pin which he pinned not to make her waist visible.(hope you guys remember)

A: Haan I m jealous and I am very very possessive

Ar: are made for each other

A: all used to say that...he winked at Arjun and Pragya

Ar: Excuse me guys....I'll be  back....
               He said that and moved away....

A: I think we did it correctly....

P: Haan suniye.....but I am really sad for Arjun....He is really good than we think suniye
A: We should really find a nice girl for him


A:What for Riya?

P: Arrey I am suggesting Riya for Arjun

A: Haan she is a nice girl....let's tell him about this....before that I'll convince Arjun....

P: okay....I have some work. bye

A: smiled.....bye

In balcony...
              What have I done?....I'm having crush on my friends wife.
If they come to know that I have no no I had  such a feeling towards Pragya what Abhi will think?

I am possessive...Very very possessive (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now