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So before I start this chapter, two moons have passed!
I need help,Should we have a Windclan attack next chapter? Should we switch characters and head over to Windclan? Should I have kittypet problems? I need you to vote!

      Singewhisker's P.O.V
     I awoke to a yowl from the nursery, I instantly raced over as cats started to crowd the brambles. "Move!" Snowheart hissed as she shoved Splashcliff and Shallowstream back. Oh no! Mom! My eyes turned into narrowed slits. What if BrambleStar tries to make a move to attack?! I shook my head as the yowling continued mixed with purrs ad whines. Finally after what felt like forever, Cloudleaf asked Mousewhisker and Preystar to come in, "What about us!?" Splashcliff wined scraping her claws against the grass,"After the father and the grandfather see them!" Cloudleaf snapped back at the black pelted she-cat.
      I purred as Preystar and Mousewhisker walked out, I lunged forward into the protective nursery. There, I saw and very large black tom-kit, A dark gray spotted tabby she-kit, and a pale diver tabby she-kit. "M-May I name one?" I shook at the feeling of having a brother, "Th-The tom, P-Please?"
Sapphiresplash purred and nosed the tom around to face me. He was solid black and by the way he looks, perching golden eyes. I remembered the talks me and Cloudflower had as paws. "L-Lionkit. That was Cloudflower's dad's name."
"Lion kit its is"

Starry Paws Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now