Preyheart awkoe in starclan, Cloudleaf stood proudly next to him., "This'll be my fourth nine lives naming ceremony... Starclan i'm old!" She laughed, her ginger coat ruffling. Preystar smiled.
his gaze locked with a pair of golden eyes, "Sky-Skystar!" He gasped and nuzzled his old friend. "I am here to give you your first life, Preypaw " The white tom teased the blue tom. "Ugh!"
"With this life, I give you judgement." Skystar touched his black nose to Preyheart's. A great pain spread through him like fire. "Gah!" He gasped and cough. "Preyheart?" Cloudleaf leaped up. " I'm F-Fine...." Preyheart gasped.
A pale brown tom padded up with dark amber eyes. "Hello son" The tom said in pride. "Sparrowheart! Dad!" The blue tom yowled and threw himself at the pare tom. "Son, With this life, I give you the life of patience" pain ran through his body like horses.
A bouncy white furred she-kit pranced her way up and beckoned his head down, "Hello Brother Preypaw!" The she-kit purred. "Luckpaw!" He criedand nuzzled her forehead. "With this life, I give you cation. To be sure of your surroundings" Luckpaw darkend as a play threw of her death blew though Preyheart's mind. His heart stung in guilt and pain from the life.
When Luckpaw ran back to join the others, a calico she-cat weaved her way up with a pink kittypet collar on with her bell ringing, reviving usure glares from the Starclan cats. "Oh Momma!" He cried like a kit. She only nodded, "With this life i give you forgiveness." Her eyes cloud and she thouched his nose and ran off. "Pain ran though him, he shook his head, "Wait! Where's Minx!?" He called. No answer.
A creamy she-cat and a Black and white tom purred their way up to him. "Thank you, Preyheart! You saved me and brother when we where kits from the thunderpath... For that, Both Me, Rosedew, and Nightfur, will give you a life. "With this life i give you quick thinking to save others in need." Rosedew purred and touched noses with Preyheart. Pain rippled through him. "With this life i give you the strength to push on." Nightfur mewed.
"Remember us?" Two little heads popped up and licked his nose, "Of course! Scarletkit and Floralkit!"He mewed in grief, His 'kits' were killed by greencough at three days old. "With this life i give you, Honor!" Scarletkit purred proudly. "And! I give you the life of Understanding
"I give you the life of love..." A tortoiseshell she-cat limped out of the bushes. "My love. I forgive you." She whispered. "Geckoliliy...!" Preyheart cried as he expected a great wave of pain to run though him. But no... He felt a lovely tingle spread through him.... He purred.
"Preystar! Preystar! Preystar!"

Starry Paws Book Two
FanfictionFour moons have past since Singewhisker was made deputy. Magpiepaw, Goosepaw, and Petalpaw are untrusted by everyone. A darkness is rising. Cats are getting sick. Kits are being born. And Bramblefur has taken over Windclan. What will Singewhisker...