I sat along side Snowcliff whilst she drank. "I hate being pregnant!" She grumbled splashing her snow white face.
"Aww, It can't be that bad! Think of the kits!" I piped.
"Hmph." She growled and sloshed the water out of her face, she leapt gracefully onto the shore.
We padded back when the sky erupted in a colorful flame.
Then a loud crackle sounded afterwards. I yowled as a spark fell from the sky, I threw Snowcliff aside and felt the fire burn my shoulder fur.
"Singwhisker!" She yowled in terror and dragged me back as more fires erupted in the sky.
I yowled in pain as I felt Snowheart's breath hit my burn. She hushed me and placed ointment on the wound.
I whimpered. Then I saw a starry figure beside me. Pride swelled in their eyes. Cloudflower. She whispered to me,"That was a noble thing you did... My love."
I purred and lifted my muzzle to touch her's. Snowcliff stated at me in confusion, as did Mousenose and Sapphiresplash.
"Mom" Petalpaw breathed.
"You-You can see her too?!" I purred and licked her on the nose.
"These deadly fires will be called, Sky Fires" Preystar called from the rock while I sat underneath licking my wound.

Starry Paws Book Two
FanfictionFour moons have past since Singewhisker was made deputy. Magpiepaw, Goosepaw, and Petalpaw are untrusted by everyone. A darkness is rising. Cats are getting sick. Kits are being born. And Bramblefur has taken over Windclan. What will Singewhisker...