After that day i was very cautious of my surroundings. I knew Brindlepaw wasn't always gonna be there to think her way out of problems. I shook my head and touched my nose to the sand.
"I miss you, Cloudflower.... I'm sorry i couldn't save you." I sighed and raised my head to the sky, The sun was just rising barley,(6:00AM) and i was so tired! I tottered towards my den when Preystar popped his head in, "Singewhisker? Singewhisker?" He mewed, flicking his ear.
I groaned, "Here... What is it." I shook my pelt and followed the blue tom outside to the clearing. "Patrol, Border. Choose who you want to take!" He rested his muzzle on my head and trotted off into the nursery. I yawned, I padded into the warriors den, Again! I ducked under the brambles and scanned the den, i spotted Brindlepaw checking in on Goosejump. "Goosejump, Beebelly, and Brindlepaw! Patrol!" yawned and shrugged outside.
I lead the three cats toward the fence line of Twoleg Place. I scanned the fence for cats.
"Nothi--" paused as a flash of black, white, and brown flew past the fence. "Go. Take cover, Now!" i hissed at the cats behind me. They scrambled behind a large metal sheet. I lowered myself and peeked through a little hole in the metal. A small dark gray cat leaped onto the post followed by a white and ginger cat And a white, black, and brown cat. they had these collars with teeth and claws studded into them. I narrowed my eyes at a white and black patched tom joining them, Several other cats joined them. Including a large black tom with a red collar with dozens of teeth and claws. I was going to die.
"Beebelly! Go get help! Now!" I hissed and shoved her flank, sending her flying back to the forest.
"Get her!" The black tom yowled as all the cats leaped down and charged after Beebelly. I yowled and launched myself at a golden tom landing a hefty blow to the head an kicked him away. The dark gray cat jumped at me and slung me into the fence. "OOFFF!" I hissed and staggered back up regaining myself and launching back at him. I slashed at is ears, i clawed the whole right one off and shredded the other. Blood swelled up in his ears dripping down in his eyes. He shook his head sending blood sending drops splattering onto my face. I hissed and leaped a him with outstretched paws and claws. I slashed his head down to his chest. They tom choked and staggered down to the ground as a pool of blood pooled around him, and then his eyes glazed. I stared in shock. Then shook my head and leaped back into battle. The ginger and white she-cat leaped at me pinning me down, Her claws dug into my throat.
"Say goodbye, Kitty!" She laughed and sunk her claws in slowly, This is it... Im sorry, Petalcloud... Goodbye. I thought and winced but then a white flash spread across my view.
"Petalcloud!" I moaned in pain as the ginger's claws ripped out of my neck. The white she-cat i called my daughter slashed repeatedly into the ginger's face until her white was was covered in blood and missing fur. The she-cat turned tails and leaped over the fence.
"Thank you..." I stuttered in pure agony. Then a heard of cats flew in to the bloodied clearing.I smirked at my back up patrols arrival. I leaped back into battle. Only to be stopped by a scream of terror. Magpiefoot.... My heart stopped The gray tom was being pinned by the white and black tom. I yowled and raced over gaining speed with every stride. "Magpiefoot!" I Screeched leaping up. A pained yowl stopped everything. The tom had sunk his claws deep into my son's throat. Magpiefoot struggled on the floor withering in pain. Then, he stopped. Forever.
I screeched in pain, tears ran like a river down my cheeks. The tom laughed and turned around running. I shook my head fiercely and ran like a Windclan warrior after him. I leaped and was knocked out of the air, Pinned to the ground. The black tom starred at me and smirked.
"Goodbye. Singewhisker." Then all went black. I felt no pain i was still alive... i llokd up and the sun was being swallowed. "Ahhh!!!!" Screeches erupted in the clearing."Starclan killed the sun!" Someone yowled and fled. "RUN!" Another yelled. I was not afraid. I dragged myself toward my son's battered body. "Magpiefoot....I'm so sorry!!!" I screeched in pain and sadness. "D-Da-Dddd..." He spluttered reaching a paw out to me.
"Son!" I cried and shuffled closer, laying next to him.
"I'm Go-Go-nna die... I-I'm so-sorr-y.." He choked out with blood leaking down his lips.
"NO! Don't say that! I' going to get you home!" I stood trying to lift him.
"Loo-Look a-at me d-da-ddy...! I'm go-n-nna die!! I'm s-so so-orry... Goo-Good b-bye" He whispered in pain and licked my cheek and let his head fall with a thump.
Then, The sun returned.

Starry Paws Book Two
FanfictionFour moons have past since Singewhisker was made deputy. Magpiepaw, Goosepaw, and Petalpaw are untrusted by everyone. A darkness is rising. Cats are getting sick. Kits are being born. And Bramblefur has taken over Windclan. What will Singewhisker...