Chocolate syrup, whip cream, flour, and Pink goo?

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~I really like you and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out sometime?~

I stared at this gorgeous and nervous boy before me. Was he really asking me out? But, I don't want a boyfriend. But, then again what I really want is crazy! ( Anyone see what I did there? NO?Okay.) I mean I really like him and he seems to like me for some reason... Hhmm. Okay,I've made up my mind.I cant keep him waiting forever, he already looks so anxious to hear my answer.

~I'd love to go out with you- *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

-UGH!! Seriously?!- I roll over in bed and slam my annoying alarm clock on the floor causing it to break into a million little pieces. Great way to start off the morning don't you think? Now I will have to clean that up. I've been having these dreams a lot lately about HIM asking me out. I cant seem to get him out of my mind. His eyes, his lips, his lush hair, his body, his voice! Oh my gosh his AMAZING voice! To think I once hated this boy whom I've never met before last week. I haven't seen Liam or Zayn since that day in the elevator and I don't plan on seeing them again anyways. Sure they're really sweet and incredibly hot but just seeing them in person again will definetly put me in fan-girl mode. Everytime I think of Liam I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach. He was perfect. Correction, he IS perfect.


-oh crap!- I jump out of bed as fast as I can and run to the kitchen, praying to God that James wasn't trying to cook again. He started a fire by trying to boil water last week. WATER. The sad thing is he claimed to be trying to make pancakes. Oh bless him. Once I reach the kitchen I look at the mess before me. There was flour and syrup all over the floor where Christopher sat with his bum literally stuck to the ground. There were also whip cream and chocolate syrup matted to James hair and pink goo all over the ceiling as well as on James shirt. I stared at the two boys in horror as they both waited to see how i would react. To be honest I found this slightly amusing but I was still angry regardless there expressions being hilarious!

-James? Is there something you'd like to tell me?- I asked in such a low yet insanely creepy voice.

I looked as James as he opened and closed his mouth speechless. Haha sucker he has no idea how much I just want to laugh right now!

-Uh.. uhm . n-n-no. Just t-that I think your the most b-beautifulest, n-nicest, most l-lovingest b-big s-sister in the whole wide w-world.- James stuttered. I couldn't help but smirk. -Really?- I ask.

James nods his head so fast it looks like its going to fall off. I look at the ground to see Chris trying to get up but with no sucess he starts to lick his hands clean of the syrup. He then looks up to me and pouts silently begging me to help him up. I giggle and pick him up off the floor to which he Chris couldnt help but be relieved about. Once, he was free I set him on his feet and stared at his adorable little baby face. - Christopher? What do you have to say about this?- I ask

He looks up at me with his gorgeous eyes and starts to pout. Haha little bugger thought I was going to let him off easy. - Boys I promise not to overreact and throw a fit, as long as this kitchen is clean- The boys lookedd relieved. Haha not so fast. -In the next ten minutes!- I finsih

-WHAT?!- James screams

-You heard me little bro 10 minutes! Now get to cleaning! Your wasting valuable time!- I tell him as I walk away with a huge smirk on my face. James just glares at me.

- You know what James? Since you want to give me, your beautiful and loving sister, evil glares i think you will be able to handle cleaning the kitchen by yourself while i give little Chris here a bath!-

-What?! No way! Thats not fai-  I cut him off before he can finish - Just do it and get it over with James its not the end of the world you know!- I tell him as I pick up Chris and walk over the his bathroom and give him a bath. I love my adorable baby brother to bits! And James of course he's practically my best friend though. A very protective friend though.. Speaking of friends, does James have any? I mean he hasnt mentioned any.. I finish cleaning Chris up and send him to play with his new toys I just bought him. I walk into the kitchen to see it spotless and James gone. He must have gone to get cleaned up. While he was gone I decided to prepare breakfast for my boys since they failed miserably earlier. I just pour them each a bowl of their favorite cereal since i was to lazy to make anything else. I call the boys into the kitchen and James walks in with his hair all went and him brushing his teeth.

I point to his cereal and he grins but walks out of the kitchen. He comes back a minute later tooth brush less and starts to eat. I sit down also eating some Special K.

-Im going out in a bit I saw a music store on the drive over here, Its walking distance and I want to check it out.- James says excitedly.

- No problemo bro, but you have to take Christopher with you I have to cover a shift at the diner for a few hours- I tell him.

Christopher looks up at James with a huge grin on plastered on his face. I can tell James wants to complain and say no, but who can say no to Chris? He's so adorable its impossible!

James lets outa  long sigh before saying -fine-

I grin and finish my cereal.I walk into my room and get dressed in my work uniform and put my hair up in a pony tail, before walking back into the kitchen where the boys were still eating. 

-Alright, I should be home by 5, no cooking if you get hungry order a pizza, don't kill each other now, got it?- I ask as I hand James some money and give them each a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door. Before I get to the elevator I run back into the apartment in a hurry.

-James if you want to have a few friends over I don't mind just make sure you don't forget about Chris! Okay, BYE!- I say before running back to the elevator. When I get there the first thing I see are gorgeous brown eyes staring at me. I blush once I realize that theose eyes belong to the one and only Liam Payne. I look away quickly and mumble a hello, not wanting to be rude.

-Hey, nice seeing you again. Adrianna isn't it? Do you mind if I call you Adri instead?-Liam asks me.

-No not at all, nice seeing you again too, Liam right? From the famous boy band One Direction?-I say.

He looks a little shocked, maybe he thought i would be throwing my self at him or something.

-Yeah, thats me. Why aren't you freaking out or something?-

- Well sorry to break it to you but I'm not that big of a fan..- haha lies! I say to myself.

-Ouch, well I better go now. Nice seeing you again we should hang out sometime.- he tells me.

- Sure, why not?- I tell him then notice that we were now in the lobby. I get out of the elevator and give him my number while he gives me his. OMG!! LIAM PAYNE JUST GAVE ME HIS NUMBER!! THE LIAM PAYNE!! AHHH!!! He smiles that beautiful smile and I cant help but smile back. I really like him and I think he might like me back. Well thats what I thought, until a drop dead gorgeous girl came up behind him and gaving him a hug from the back. He turned his gaze away from me and looked at the girl who's arms were around his waist. He smiled instantly at her and turned around to hug her back.

-Hey gorgeous!- Liam tells her and I instantly feel jealous as he leans in to kiss her. Forgetting all about me. I turn around not wanting to be there another second. Why? Why me? Of course he has a girlfriend! I mean come on! Someone as famous as him wouldn't want to date someone like, me. The truth hurts it really does. She was beautiful and just one look at her made me feel really pathetic and ugly. I wasn't even close to being as pretty as her. I kept walking until I got to the diner ready to start my shift.

After I checked in I grabbed my notepad and pen ready to take orders like every other day. I heard the ding from the door signalling a costumer. I look up from my notepas to see the one and only Liam Payne holding hand with his girlfriend waiting to be seated. Great just what I need. I try to sneak to the back so someone else can serve them, but much to my disliking the diner was busy. With me being the only waitress available. Terrific. I make my way over to them trying not make eye contact with Liam even though I can feel his eyes burning into me. Right this way I mumble to them as I walk past leading them to a table. This was going to be a very interesting.

~~SOooo.... Whatcha think?~~ Give me some feed back I'd love to hear the good and the bad!~

P.S I don't own any of the characters except Adrianna , Christopher and James!! This is just a fanfiction my loves! I'll try to update tomorrow and I promise the rest of the boys will be in the next chapter!

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