Everyone has a secret.

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I'm not to happy with this chapter but I still hope you all like it!! Don't forget to vote, comment and fan! It means the world to me, Enjoy!

~~~~(Still James P.O.V)~~~~

"What happened to James, sissy? Is he going to be okay?"

"He's going to be okay, Chris. He was just really tired and wanted to take a nap.."

"At the beach?"

"Uhh.. yeah. I guess. Listen can you do me a special favor Mr. Carrot king?"

"Yeah! What is it? Do I get to fight evil villians or save the world or something?!"

"Hahaha. Sorry Chris but not today..I need you to do me a big favor and go with Harry and the rest of the guys alright?I need a few minutes with our brother here.."

"Awww!But I don't want to leave! What if he wakes up?"

"Then you will be the first person I tell, okay?"


I hear the door close and try to open my eyes. But I couldn't move.What happened to me? All I remember was me and Adri at the carnival and then she told me... Oh no. NO. She can't have cancer! We finally became a family again! Things were just getting better for us! How long has she been sick? Why didn't she tell us sooner? Why do bad things always happen to us? What did she ever do to deserve this?

I can hear her crying again. Why can't I open my eyes? Or move.. I need to comfort my sister. If anyone should be in a hospital bed, it should be her. So she can get better and live her life! I shouldn't even be here! I'm such a wimp! Why can't you just toughen up James? You're supposed to be the man in the family! You're supposed to be there for them! Not pass out when you hear bad news..

I try opening my eyes again and the second they finally open I'm blinded by bright lights. I turn my head and see my sister, sitting down on a plastic hospital chair with her head in her hands. Her body was shaking lightly and you can hear muffled sobs coming from her.

"Adri?" The second I spoke she lifted up her head and we made eye contact. A million emotions flashed across her green eyes and the next thing I knew she had me in a bone crushing hug.I hug my sister back as best as I can but despite her being sick, she's really strong, which is good right?

" I'm so happy you're awake! You had me so worried! After you blacked out you fell into the ocean and I had to jump in and get you! Y-you almost d-drowned and it would've been all my fault!"

"Adri stop! It's not your fault! nothing is your fault, okay? I was just a little shocked and scared! But I promise you, that you won't go through this alone, got it? Chris and I are here for you and we always will be, just tell me why I didn't know about this sooner?" I ask her.

"I didn't want you to worry. We had just become a family again and I didn't want to ruin it. I stopped responding to treatments. They don't think I w-will make it more then 2-3 years.."

I was silent for a while, how do you respond to that?Wait why did she stop responding to treatments...

"Why did you stop responding to treatments?"She looked at me with her puffy red eyes and let out a long sigh.

"The doctors told me that my body couldn't take the treatments. They said there wasn't much for them to do, so they told me to go home and try to live my life the best I could.."

"But what I don't understand is why you didn't tell me sooner? I thought we told each other everything? Does anyone else know?"

She shakes her head no and begins to cry again.

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