I'm sorry

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"Come on Adri, you've got to face them some time!" James yells from outside my door. He's trying to get me to come out of my room to see the boys, who dropped by for a visit. Only, I haven't been feeling well these past couple days and I have gotten a lot paler. If that's even possible.

"No I don't. I can just hide out here in my room until I hopefully start feeling better!" I yell back. Which was totally a bad move because it triggered a major coughing fit...which resulted in more bloody tissues.literally.

It's been days since we've left the apartment. The only person we let in is May. Since James doesn't know how to do laundry, or cook, or clean properly, and I'm sick, she's been nice enough to come and  do that for us.

I'm so glad that she's going to be the boys guardian, when I'm gone.

I'm thinking of taking a trip, with all of them. May and her husband, James, Christopher and I. I don't want to go anywhere fancy, just somewhere where I can spend time with them all.

I've been feeling very weak lately and that scares me. What if my time on this earth is coming to an end?

I don't want to be thinking like that but I can't help it.

Maybe I should have continued my chemo treatments?

I don't know anymore.

I thought about asking the boys and El if they wanted to come along, but I decided not to. The boys have their tour in America and from what I've heard Lou wants El to go with him.

El. I miss her so much, she's become my best friend and it's killing me inside knowing the pain I put her through.

"Adri... Everyone is outside the apartment door. They are asking to speak with you." May said from outside my door, knocking softly. I hadn't even realized James had left.

"I don't wish to speak with them just yet." I tell her, not moving from my spot on the bed.

"May I come in then?" She asks and I nod my head in approval, only then to realize she couldn't see me.

"Yes." I tell her and within seconds she is in my room. She sends me a warm smile and I try my best to return it. I have a headache.

May sat down on my bed and started to look me over. My hair was gross, from lack of showering and my skin is as white as paper. My eyes have bags under them and they don't shine like they used to.

You can see in her eyes how she's noticed all of this and suddenly her small smile turns to one of pity and sadness.

"I do not want you to be wasting what little time you may have on this earth in bed, Adri. You will pull through, I know it. I know you say that you don't want to go through with your chemo therapy. But honestly, do you really think you made the right choice? Listen, since you've left the diner, I put a donation jar up for you. You've gotten a ton of very generous donations, so please consider going through treatments again, I know you only stopped because of the expenses."

Sigh... If only she knew.

"Look I'll think about it. I really appreciate the gesture but its a lot to take in. And you're right, I'm going to go take a shower and get ready, why don't you let the others in and tell them it's movie night? I'm ready to see them."

May seemed to be satisfied with what I had to say and she got up to leave.

I decided that being a bum the rest of my life and ignoring my friends isn't going to work out as well as I had thought. I dragged myself out of bed and walked into my bathroom, turned the water on as high as it could possible go and undressed. The second I felt the hot water run over my body, I could feel my muscles start to relax.

After a few minutes of freshening up, I got out and started to look for something to wear. I could hear everyone in the other room. I could feel myself smiling as I heard Chris start to laugh at something Lou had just said. Oh how I have missed them all.

I decided to just wear my black sweats and purple top that says "It gets better". I threw my hair up in a messy bun and put on my neon green dinosaur slippers that I absolutely love. 

When I was finally ready to leave my room, a thought occurred to me. What am I going to do about Zayn? I mean, I haven't spoken to him at all and the same with Liam. Maybe I should just confront him? Yeah I don't know what to do.

I open the door and step out, the cold air sending a shiver down my spine. I walk down the hall trying to be as quiet as possible, I don't want them to make a big fuss about me. I stepped out to see that everyone had their attention on Chris as he told them a very detailed story about the other day when he caught me singing to a picture of Zac Efron after watching Hairspray..

They all started laughing and that's when I decided to make my appearance.

"Okay, in my defense it is perfectly normal for a girl to imagine herself in a musical. Plus it's Zac Efron, he's yummy and every girls dream guy!" I say and suddenly all eyes are on me.

Louis sends me a smile and I just know he isn't going to make a big deal out of everything. Harry was giving me worried glances, Niall was smiling at me with food in his mouth, Liam had a blank expression and Zayn was texting..

"So nice of you to join us" Elly says with sadness in her voice.

I stand there awkwardly for a bit and then sit down next to her. She had a slightly bigger bump from the last time I'd seen her.

"Elly, please don't be mad at me. I've missed you like crazy! And I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark. Forgive me?" I ask and I give her the puppy dog eyes.

A small smile starts to form across her face and I know everything is okay between us. I lean my head against her shoulder and look up at the boys. They were all looking at me and I realized that they must want me to talk.

"I found out a couple years ago, stopped treatments because I couldn't afford to pay for all of them and decided that it was time to get my brothers back. I didn't want any of you to know because I didn't want any of you to worry. I was going to tell you all eventually, but..."

"But what?" The tone in Zayns voice when he said that caught me off guard. Was he irritated with me?

Everyone was a little thrown off by his tone but I wasn't in the mood to be dealing with his cheating arse. I guess the whole plan thingy Liam and I laid out isn't going to happen.

"I saw you on the plane Zayn, you have no right to be angry with me right now, if anything I should be angry with you!" I can feel myself heating up, all the emotions from before boiling up.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'll be back later once you've cooled off." With that he left and everyone except for James and Liam were confused.

"What did Zayn do on the plane?" Harry asked but it took me a few seconds to cool off.

"Long story short, he cheated on me."

Niall, Harry and Louis looked really shocked and upset.

"That doesn't seem like Zayn but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. I mean you two went on one date! I don't mean to be insensitive or anything but come on Adri, you know I'm right." Louis says and he was right.

"I know! Its just the fact that I thought I really liked him and I thought he really liked me too." I explain.

"Look why don't we play a game or something? Just to get our minds off of some things!" Harry announces and a huge smile spread across my face.

"Hide and Seek!" I yell and suddenly everyone jumps up to hide. I hid in the empty cupboard in the kitchen knowing that no one would think to look there. It wasn't until everyone was hidden though did we realize that we needed a seeker.


Yeah I know its not the greatest and it took me forever to update but a lot has been going on these past few months. Sorry! Hopefully I can get back into the writing mood soon!

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