Coming clean

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Liams Pov

~From the moment I met you, everything changed. I knew I had to get you whatever the pain.

I had to take you and make you mine. I would walk through the desert, I would walk down the aisle.

I would swim all the oceans, just to see you smile. Whatever it takes is fine.~

You know when you like someone, or maybe even love someone and theres that one song that reminds you of that person and you can't get it out of your head. Well at this very moment, thats what I'm going through. I think I might be in love with my best friends girlfriend.

It's wrong, I know. But I can't help but feel that way about Adri. I know I've said it a million times also. The song that I have stuck in my head, is Stand Up. One of our songs on the albulm and it fits what I'm going through, so well.

From the moment I met Adri, everyhting changed. I knew I had to get her, whatever the pain;She has cancer, but that doesn't change how I feel about her.

I had to take her and make her mine. but I was to late, Zayn beat me to it. I would walk through the desert. I came all the way to Vegas to find her and got lost.

I would walk down the aisle, I would swim all the oceans just to see her smile. Whatever it takes is fine.

I haven't talked to Adri about her cancer yet, to be honest I just want to pretend as if she's not sick. Thinking that way is the only thing thats keeping me sane. I know I should just accept it, but I won't, I refuse to.

I get up from my seat on the plane and decide to go find Zayn so we can talk, since Adri fell asleep an hour ago and hasn't woken up.

I walk around for a little while and I finally spot him. But what I saw wasn't what I expected. Zayn was snogging some girl!

How could he do that to Adri?! Zayns all over this girl! I turn away from him, disgusted with what he's doing. He's so caught up with her, he didn't even notice I was there.

I walk back over to my seat, only to see that Adri has just woken up. Great, how am I supposed to act as if everythings okay now? I just witnessed her boyfriend cheating on her, while she's sitting here clueless and unaware.

"Hey Liam! Where'd you run of to? I woke up and you had just dissappeared.." She trailed off looking at me warily. "You okay? You look a little pale, here come sit down" She stood up and helped me back to my seat.

I sat down and tried not to make eye contact, if I did I'm sure I would spill and tell her everything I just saw.

" I-I'm okay, just a little tired is all. Did you have a nice nap?" I ask while looking out the planes window.

"Uhh kinda, I fell asleep while still chewing the gum you gave me and it got it my hair.. speaking of which, I should really get it out. I'll be right back!" She got up and hurriedly walked over to the bathroom cubicle, while I just sat there thinking about what I should do, or if I shlould do anything at all.

Then it hit me, the bathrooms are right by where Zayn is sat. What if she see's him?!

I get up so fast my head starts to spin and head straight for the bathrooms. When I get there I don't see Adri anywhere but I do see that Zayn is still all over that girl. Completely oblivious to the fact that his  GIRLFRIEND could walk over and see him snogging another girl!!

I was about to walk over to him, but before I could even take one step towards him, I heard a sound. Not just any sound, but the sound of girl who's just had her heart broken by witnessing her boyfriend all over someone else.

I knock lightly on the bathroom door, trying to get a response from who I'm sure is Adri inside. No answer.

"Adri, I know you're in there, please come out. We need to talk" I say just loud enough for her to hear. I hear her light sobs coming from the bathroom and I can feel my heart breaking at her pain.

It takes all my strength not to turn around and beat the crap out of Zayn for doing this to her. I knock a few more times and to my surprise she slowly opened the door.

When she opened it, I expected her to have tear stains running down her cheek and puffy red eyes. But she looked as if she hadn't seen her boyfriend cheating on her just a few moments before.

"Are you okay?" I asked eyeing her warily. She just gave me a sad smile before nodding and directing her attention to behind me. Where Zayn was still with that girl, I'm sure.

She looked at him with hard eyes before turing away and motioning for me to follow her. We got back to our seats and sat there quietly.

Just as I was about to break the silence though she spoke.

"When I saw him. My heart just broke and this feeling of betrayal ran through me. But to be honest I think I'm more shocked, than I am sad. We've only been together, what? Two, three days? Now that I think about it, I'm glad I saw him with that girl! If he can cheat on me so early on in the relationship so easily, then he would probably have done it later on also. I'm not going to think of this as a loss, nope, this is a total win for me." She tells me while a smile breaks across her face.

I look at her confused as to what her words actually meant. "If you're thinking about how this situation could possibly be a win for me then let me explain. He cheated on me, three days into our relationship. We've been on this plane for almost 10 hours and my boyfriend hasn't even come over to see me. Who knows how long he's been snogging that girl. Plus I've been planning a little revenge on you guys, since I've lost so much sleep due to your late night parties. Silly, I know but I said I would get revenge, and revenge is what imma get."

"Okay, but I want to help. What Zayn did is wrong. Just tell me what to do"



A/N- Didn't see that one coming, did you? Next chapter will be in Zayns pov IF i get 25 votes and 10 comments sound good? But if I don't get either.. then it will just be in Adri's pov and we will never know what was going through Zayns mind, now would we? Sorry if I dissapointed you with this chapter, or If I just dissapoint you with all my chapters.

Who do you think Adri fits most with? Zayn.. Liam.. Niall.. Harry? Lemme know!(:

I'm really dramatic ( can't help it ) so my stories will be dramatic. Please fan! It means the world to me(:

~Mucho Love! Ana<3

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