More suprises?

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Shortest chapter I've written. Mostly a filler, I'm super busy, next chapter will be longer, I promise! A/N at end, important(kinda) Make sure to read it!! Love you my lovelies!~Ana


~~Harrys POV~~ (Finally!)

I wonder what my Boobear and El have to tell us? They look so happy right now, it could be a number of things. Like their getting married or moving in together...No. My Boobear wouldn't leave me. Would he? Ugh I'm thinking to much into this, they could just be happy about something else a cat! Yeah, they could have or been thinking about adopting a kitty and were just excited about it! yup, that has to be it! It's the only logical explination..

"So what is it you have to tell us?" Zayn asks eagerly, with his arms still around MY Adri. I mean technically she's not "Mine" but I called dibs. Even though Zayn and Liam met her first. Believe it or not, but when I first saw her, I got really nervous. Which wasn't like me, I was always flirting with girls and was never shy! It's obviously a sign that we are meant for each other, even though I haven't made a move on her yet. And I'm super close to her brothers, which is a good thing right? Don't girls like a family man?

"Well..." Louis starts to say but stops and looks at El for approval. She nods her head in a yes matter and waits for Louis to continue.

"Are you all sure you can handle it? It's really big news!"

"Just spit it out Lou!" We all scream at the same time, woah! That was cool! Adri lets out a little laugh. She has a beautiful laugh, and smile, and face. Yes, she has a nice pretty face, I've always said I've liked that in a girl.

"Okay, okay.. the news is that.......WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!" Louis screams out in joy. He's getting married? But we are all still so young, I honestly didn't think that was what he was going to say. I would have expected this from Liam and Danielle, not Louis or El.

I look around the room and see that everyone has shocked faces, including me I'm sure.. But soon enough we all snap out of it, especially the girls. They were all jumping up and down squealing and giving each other hugs while attacking El. The lads and I all congratulate Louis and El.

But my mind was else where.. Why hadn't he talked to us about this? More importantly, why didn't he talk to ME about this? I thought I was his bestfriend?

"Are you alright Harry?" I look at Adri and give her a weak smile, she must have caught on. 

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You just seem a little out of it recently. Aren't you happy though? Lou's getting married! This is great, I'm so happy for them, their perfect for each other!"

"I know, I just have a lot on my mind recently, and of course I'm happy for them, I'm glad their taking that next big step in their relationship. The next thing we know, their going to be telling us that El is pregnant!" I joke, haha I just can't picture Louis as a dad, not yet anyway.

"Actually I think Louis and El would make great parents, so I wouldn't be very suprised if it were true. I'd be extremely happy for them...But enough about that for now. Whats on your mind? What has you so lost in your thoughts? It must be something really big or important." Should I tell her how I feel? I mean maybe this is my chance.. I know she has that date with Zayn tomorrow but I don't think me telling her would change anything. She would probably put me in the friend zone and chose Zayn.


"What?!" Oops, lost in my thoughts about her again..

"You were out of it again!"


"Its fine, just tell me whats on your mind! Maybe I can help!" She's practically begging me to tell her, so I'm going to.

"You are."  I say softly and look into her beautiful green eyes. She stares at me with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open. She was about to tell me something but just then, El comes and drags her away...


~Adri's POV~

Wait, he was thinking about me? Why? Was there some kind of double meaning to that? Like did he mean it in a friendly "Oh, just thinking about you" kind of way? Or a "I like you and can't get you out of my mind" kind of way?Ugh! Why did I have to ask him that? I can never just mind my own business..

"Okay, I have to tell you something really important, but you have to promise not to tell ANYONE. Promise?" Oh yeah, I forgot El had to tell me something.

"I promise, now what is it?" I ask, I look around and notice we are in my room. Wow was I really that deep in thought?

"I already told Louis, and I've been wanting to tell you since I met you, but now I'm finally ready for you to know. I'm pregnant!" She's pregnant?!

"Oh my gosh El!! I'm so happy for you!! I'm going to be an aunty!! EEPPP!! I can't believe this! I was literally just telling Harry, you and Louis would make great parents!!"

"Aww thank you! I'm so happy you know now! I just told Lou earlier and we spent the whole day just talking about the baby, then he proposed! He said he was going to anyways, but was waiting for the perfect time. And I guess that was the perfect time!! I'm just so happy!"

" That is so sweet! How far along are you?"

"I'm two months!"

"Oh my gosh I just can't believe this! Haha this is the most exciting news I've heard in so long!"

"Oh! Just wait! It gets better!" How can it get any better? Just then, Louis walk into my room, Liam following closely behind. They both had giant smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations Elly! Louis just told me, I'm so happy for the two of you, you'll both be great parents!" Liam tells her then gives her a tight hug while spinning her around. After he put her down, Louis walked over to El, going behind her and giving a hug from the behind, with his hands resting on her stomach, his chin on her head and with that giant smile never leaving his lips. They are just simply perfect for each other.

"Thanks Liam, but it gets better!" Liam looks confused, as do I. What else could be more exciting then them getting married and starting a family?

"How?" We both ask and look at each other with questioning eyes.

"We want you and Adri to be our baby's godparents!" Louis tells Liam and we stare at them shocked. Really?! Me and Liam as their baby's godparents? Why didn't they pick Harry or Liam AND Danielle?Their the ones who are dating, not me and Liam.

"W-what? Are you serious?"I ask, surely their not serious.

"Yes silly! Of course we're serious! We want you two, to be the godparents of our baby."

"I'd be honored! Thank you." Liam tells them and gives each of them a hug. Woah, this is a lot to take in..

"So, will you be our baby's godmother Adri?"

"Of course! Yes!Haha! Like Liam said.. I'd be honored!" I tell them and give both of them a gaint hug, which turned into a group hug when Liam joined in. After we pull apart, I can't help but wonder..Why did they chose me AND Liam? Liam must have read my mind because he ended up asking them.

"So why did you pick us? Why not Harry,Zayn, Niall or Danielle?" They both look at each other with smirks plastered on their faces. Then they look at us, their expression never changing.

"Oh, we have our reasons.." What is that supposed to mean? I send Liam a nervous glance and he does the same, what are these two up to?


A/N: Like I said, short chapter! I'm so sorry! So much is going on right now, but I promised an upload right? Next chapter will be so much longer!! Were you all atleast a little shocked with what went down in this chapter? It's not the greatest, but still a lot happened! Comment! Vote! Fan! NEXT CHAPTER: The Date!!

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