Going Home

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OMFG SO. SOME OF YOU MAY KNOW THAT I SAW ONE DIRECTION ON JUNE 10TH!!!(: I WAS BREATHING THE SAME AIR AS THEM AND THEY AKNOWLEDGED MY EXSISTENCE!! haha SO since I love you all and am in a really great mood I am updating!! <3 Hope you like! Message me if you'd like! I'd love to talk to you all! xxxx


~Adri's Pov~

"Hurry! We're going to miss our flight!" I huff as I try to lug the many bags I was left to carry. I mean, we came here with nothing but what we had on us, as far as I know, and now we are leaving with things from almost every store here in Vegas!

"Calm down, we're not going to miss our flights....maybe" Zayn tells me and a surge of panic rushes through me. MAYBE?! No maybe, I NEED to get home to my brothers!

"Wait, who has the tickets?" I stop dead in my tracks and look at this boy with wide eyes. The boy who was able to track Zayn and I down, fly all the way out here to the states, just to see if we were alright. Liam.

"What do you mean, who has the tickets?! I thought you had them!" I cry out in disbelief, this can't be happening.

"Me? Why would I have them? Zayn was the one who booked our flights, not me. He's the one who should have the tickets!" The usually quiet, sweet caring boy snaps back. For a second, I don't know what to say because, he has a point.

"Uhmm you guys I'd hate to interupt, but we are definelty going to miss our flight. Considering it leaves in about 5 minutes and we are on the other side of the airport!" Zayn says annoyance clear in his tone of voice.

"Well lets go then! You do have the tickets though, right?" I say as I pick up the bags I had dropped and start to run, once again, towards our flights terminal.

"Of course I have the tickets! Now come on!"

The three of us, Zayn, Liam and I all run through the busy airport trying to find our terminal.

"Look there it is!" I yell out suddenly very excited. I guess all the excitement got to me though, because within seconds I was falling to my death. Well, thats what I thought. Seconds before my face came in contact with the hard floor, strong arms secured themselves around my waist, pulling me up.

"You alright?" I open my eyes, which I hadn't realised I had closed, and looked into the ones of my "saviour".

"Uhm yeah, I'm alright. Thanks Liam." I say as I feel a blush form on my face. Well that was embarrasing..

"No pro-"

"Hurry up you two! We're going to miss our flight!" Zayn cut off Liam from ten feet away and he didn't look to happy. Liam and I snap out of whatever it was that we were doing and once again started to run to catch our flight. This time though, Liam had his hand secured around mine.

We made it literally seconds before they closed the doors. The flight attendant ushering us in quickly and showing us our seats. Which were not first class by the way, just coach.

"So, who sits where?" I ask interested in who would be sitting next to a stranger, considering there were only two seats next to each other instead of three.

"To make it fair we should mix them up and each pick one randomly. That way, whoever has to sit alone can't complain and say it was unfair." Zayn tells us and Liam and I agree. They both decided to let me choose my ticket first though since you know "ladies first". Zayn mixes them up behind his back and then shows them to me, they all looked the same so I just picked the one in the middle.

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