Well that explains it!

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Hello my lovely readers! Been a while hasn't it? Sorry about that! Remember a few chapters ago I said my depression was returning? Well it has. I don't want pity or anything, I'm just telling you all because I feel that you deserve to know.

You all read MY story for some crazy reason, and I just want you to know that I appreciate it so so so much. <3 And when you take time out of your day to talk to me.. I feel special ^.^ Plus, I think I'm a very interesting person, I like trollin' on Club Penguin. Yeah thats right, I still go on Club Penguin 'cause I'm gangsta OMFG jk jk... But seriously, lets trololol on Club Penguin, yeah?

Anyways I don't know where this is leading so....OH YEAH! I amlost forgot! Could you all do me an itsy bitsy favor? Yes?...okay! YAY! Could you all maybe check out @Scarreid 's story? Its a Niall Fanfic and I personally love it so far (: If you read it then I love you 1000x more! (;

Have a lovely day or night, wherever you're from!


Row 35, seat 129, section 10. This is my seat I guess. No one is here, so I guess I get the window seat!

I put my bags in the upper compartment, and slumped into my seat. This is going to be one long and boring flight back home!

I lay my head back and close my eyes, a nap sounds great right about now..

"Excuse me, but you're in my seat" I open my left eye to see a some what tall blonde girl, she looked to be around my age, maybe younger.

"Your seat?" 

"My seat." She tells me and something about her seems so familiar. Have I seen her some where before?

I get up from the window seat and slump into the seat next to it.


"No problem" I close my eyes again and try to take that anticipated nap, I so long for.

"So where's your girl friend? Aren't the two of you on holiday? Atleast that's what you told me yesterday..Have you already forgotten?"

So that's where I've seen her! She's the fan from yesterday.

"Her seat is in a different section." I tell her, keeping my eyes closed, hoping she'll get the hint that I want to sleep.

"Why aren't you siting with her?'' I open my right eye and see her giving me a skeptical look. Hmm good question.

"Uhh we decided going public isn't the greatest idea right now. So we are kinda laying low." Hate lying to the fans, but telling her the whole ticket situation would mean having to tell her that Liams here, and why he's here.


"What, you don't believe me?"

"Nope." At that I sat up and decided that my nap will have to wait.

"Well you should because it's true." I tell her, and she rolls her eyes and folds her arms across her chest. She;s wearing a Chris Brown shirt, nice.

"I don't think your relationship with her is even legit. I'm a hardcore Narry shipper." Aha okay, is this girl serious? Narry isn't that mine and Nialls ship name that the fans came up with?

"Aha Narry? My bromance with Niall isn't a real relationship, we're just messing around, being teenage boys ya know? It's just something we do to keep the fans happy."

"Silly Zayn, I don't ship you with Niall!" I look at her confused, who does she ship me with then?

"Ugh I ship you with ME, my name is Natalie! I've been such a huge fan of yours since x-factor, I'd never thought I'd meet you, let alone sit next to you on a plane! Its obviously a sign that we are meant for each other."

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