A date, death contraption and greasy food.

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"I don't think this is such a good idea after all.." I say for the millionth time in the last hour.

"Will you just calm down already? You look gorgeous! How many more times will I have to tell you that before you actually believe me?" El tells me and I put my head down and mumble "I don't know? Maybe just a few more times?" She rolls her eyes at me sits down on my bed, motioning for me to do the same. I sit down across from her and look at her expectantly.

" Listen Adri, everythings going to be perfect okay? We are just going out to dinner for crying out loud!"

"We're going out to dinner with One direction in public!" I cry out. El sighs and shakes her head. "Exactly! Whats the big deal? What are you not telling me? I thought we were best friends and told each other everything?" A look of confusion and hurt came across her face and I instantly felt guilty. Why was I making a big deal out of this? I mean she's right. We do tell each other everything, then why hadn't I told her why I'm acting like this yet? I let out a long sigh and look at my best friend. 

" Elly I'm sorry, okay? It's just I'm nervous and afraid.." I tell her. Instantly if feel her arms around me giving me a hug. I giggle "El stop! I can't breathe!!" She laughs "Sorry love. I understand why your nervous and scared but you have to remember that the boys and I won't let anything happen to you. Got it? And forget about what the magazines and other people are going to think, okay? None of what they say matters." She finishes and I smile, this is why she was my bestfriend/sister she knew just what to say to make me feel better.

"Thanks Elly"

" No problem babe, now lets go! The boys are waiting and knowing Niall he probably left without us.." I laugh at that and nod my head in agreement. "Alright lets go!" We both walk out the apartment and go to the elevator, the boys were meeting us in the lobby. El was was looking gorgeous as always. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a " I <3 The Carrot King" off the shoulder shirt, with some simple black heels. I was also wearing black skinny jeans but with a gray off the shoulder top , also with black heels. I curled my hair and only put on some light make-up. El doing the same only she straightened her hair.

(Sorry I'm not the best at descriptions :P)

When we got to lobby, I noticed that all of the boys were there except Liam. He's pretty much been M.I.A. since the diner incident.Now that I think about it, Danielle  is away for a music video, so he's probably just upset that she's gone? Yeah, that has to be it!

James has become really good friends with the guys, which I'm happy about. Christopher has to, he looks up to them and calls them his other big brothers. While the guys call him little brother, It's cute(:

As El and I walked towards them, the first one to notice us was Zayn. We both smiled at each other and he sent me a wink. Ahh I'm blushing! I hate it when I do that!

"Sissy you look pwetty!" I look at Chris and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks baby brother."

" I agree, you look great...but not as great as me.." James had his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"Uhh rude much?" I say as I slap his shoulder,really hard.That meanie face.

"OWW! What was that for?" He asks me while rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm guessing that was for being cocky lad." Harry tells him while smirking.

I look at the rest of the boys and decide to start conversation with them since El was talking to Louis. They really are the perfect couple.

"So guys, where are we going to eat?" I ask and look at all of them.

"NANDOS!!" They all say excitedly as we all start to walk out of the complex. When we got out side the first thing I noticed was a giant black limo! "A LIMO?!" I say excitedly, I've always wanted to ride in a limo!

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