A familiar face?

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SO. Its ver very short! Like the shortest Ive ever written! and i feel so bad but i have my reasons. Oh and by the way, I LOVE my wifey @lu_swag1D, she's literally the best!<3 Love ya babe(; And I can't forget my other Hun @alliblock99(; Two most amazingest girls I know<3


"We couldn't have gotten married, we aren't of age here in America." Zayn tells me calmly and it takes me a few minutes to realise that he is right.

We couldn't have gotten married! We aren't of age here, but how did we get here exactly? As if Zayn had read my mind he answered, but by the looks of it, he seemed distracted.

"I don't know how we got here, but we should get back."

I nod, he's right of course. I can't believe I just left my brothers like that! What kind of sister am I? Is everyone worried about us?

"How do you suppose we got here?" Zayn asks and I look at him, hoping that maybe, just maybe he already knew how we got here. Because I had no clue.

"To be honest, I haven't a clue. I honestly can't remember anything after the waterfall..." I trail off wishing he could fill in the blanks. But to no avail, he couldn't.

"Should we call home and let them know we are alright? I'm sure they are all worried, especially my brothers."

"Yeah, thats probably a good idea, I will get us tickets for the next flight out of here" And with that Zayn walked out of the room, closely the door lightly behind him.

I look around for my phone and find it buried in the mass of blankets. I flip my old phone open and the screen is black. Crap! Its dead! Hmm...Shouldn't this place have a phone around here?

I'm about to walk out of the room but notice I'm still wrapped up in blankets. I sigh while looking around for my clothes. They were scattered all ove the place and I blush at the thought of how they got there, and how I ended up like this. Did Zayn and I really do that last night?

I put on my clothes and walk into the bathroom. My make-up is smeared all over my face and I have dark circles under my eyes. I'm a mess. I scrub my face clean and pat it dry before putting my hair up and walking back out. Zayn wasn't in the room so I went to find him.

When I found him he was out on the balcony. He seemed really deep in thought, so I decided not to disturb him and to wait for him to come back inside. The hotel room we are in in is really big actually. I sit down on the comfy love seat and turn on the television. There wasn't anything interesting on so i turned it off and layed down.

After about ten minutes, I heard the sliding of a door and Zayn stepped back inside. He sent me that million dollar smile, and I smiled back weakly. I sat up as he sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Niether of us spoke for a while, we just enjoyed the quiet.

"So did you get a hold of your brothers?" He asks and I shake my head. He sighs and tells me that he was able to get us tickets for the first flight out of here. Which is first thing in the morning.

"Well, don't you think we should at least go sight seeing while we are here? Theres nothing really we can do here."

"Sure why not, let me just go make myself presentable." I roll my eyes at him and he gets up to go to the room. I turn the television back on in hopes that something good was on. I finally settled on some cartoon and waited for Zayn to return. After watching the whole cartoon. I got a little irritated. Does it really take him that long to get ready?

 I get up and walk over to the room and just as I was about to bang on the door, he opened it, with a shocked look on his face. My hand was still raised and in a fist, so it looked like i was about to punch him.

"Uhh, hi?" He says with his brows furrowed in confusion. He looks really cute like that.

"Umm, uh hi! Lets go!" I grab his hand and drag him out the door, but not before grabbing the room key I found.

We walk around the crazy city and stop at a few stores all morning. At noon Zayn and I ate lunch at a diner and there he met a few fans. He signed some autographs and took some pictures with them while I just stood there awkwardly. I'm not used to this at all.

"Are you a friend of Zayns?" One of the girls asked. She was drop dead gorgeous. Just looking at her makes me feel so insecure, she looks to be around my age.

Before I could answer her though Zayn cut in. "Actually, this is my girlfriend Adri, we're just here for a little holiday." My eyes widened at his words. I felt his arms wrap around my waist with his head on my shoulder.

The girl looked shocked, but she shook it off and smiled. "Aww! You two make a cute couple! I hope you stay together forever!" And without she walked off.

"Thanks!" We both called out to her retreating figure and she just turned around for a second to smile back at us and wave. By now, all of the fans that were here to see Zayn had left.

"She was nice" I nod my head in agreement, but then a thought accured to me. What if she tweets about where we are and everyone back home finds out?

"Whats on your mind?" Zayn murmers as he snuggles his head into my hair making me blush and giggle.

"Well, what happens if she tweets about were we are?" I feel Zayn tense up, but he then relaxes and starts to laugh. What the?!

"Why are you laughing? This is serious!" I was getting really frustrated, doesn't he care?

"I thought you were getting upset because people will know we are dating by tonight" I totally forgot all about that!

I've been telling myself for years that i didn't want a boyfriend and that I didn't NEED a boyfriend. But now I have an amazing one, who I think I might actually love! Only, I'm not to sure if I'm strong/ready enough for all the hate and attention.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me! *le sighs* What will my brothers or El and the lads think?" I sigh and look at him expectantly as we both start to walk back to the hotel.

"He stopped walking and I looked at him with curiosity.

"I don't care what any of them have to say. I really really like you Adri and no matter what, i will always be here for you" I couldn't help but tear up a bit.

I should tell him. About my cancer. I know it will probably chance his feelings for me, but he deserves to know.

"Zayn-" I was cut off by a voice, a voice I never thought I'd hear while here in Las Vegas of all places.

"Adri?! Zayn?!" Zayn both turn to the person, shock evident on our faces, im sure.  What the heck was he doing here?!


Ohhhh...Who do you think it is? Comment, I'd like to hear who you all think it is! Don't forget to fan! I want atleast 5 votes and 8 comments before I update again! I don't think thats bad, considering how many reads I have... Anyways! Much love!<3

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