Part 3

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Aquarius is an idealist who believes in true love. They are always searching for a best friend and soulmate in one.

Aquarius wants you to be totally upfront and real about everything

Aquarius protect their heart.

Aquarius will not allow anyone to down talk to them!! If you talk down to an Aquarius expect to not be treated the same ever again.

An Aquarius may come off as cold, but they are just protecting themselves from jerks like you.

If an Aquarius gets into an argument, they will prove their point and not leave until then.

An Aquarius regrets not trusting their intuition because it's usually right.

Regaining an Aquarius' trust is difficult to do. So if you have it, respect it.

As an Aquarius your biggest issue is to find something that will focus and hold your interest.

Aquarius lives in a world of logic and cool rationality.

Aquarius responds well to a relationship with a strong sense of friendship, over traditional romance and feeling tied down.

An Aquarius will work very hard at not letting you know that you affect them.

Aquarius women think they can do anything a man can.

How to Attract Aquarius: Communication is key. You must be able to stimulate their minds, engage in a friendly witty verbal battle. 

What makes an Aquarius So Lovable: In our most fickle moments, you guide us on what to choose, and it's you who gently prods us to move on.

Aquarius signs are often calm before venting their anger. I.e. The quiet before the storm.

As an Aquarius ending friendships is difficult for you because you are closer to your friends than your family.

Aquarius has flashes of intuition that can appear out of nowhere.

Why you'll want to date Aquarius: they respect your independence and refuse to stifle you with emotional demands.

When an Aquarius females mind is made up that she is not interested, she will never be interested.

Aquarius are so free willed, intelligent, and high spirited the words unconditional love definitely come to mind.

Aquarius is looking for a motivated, ambitious mate. Not some bum whose ideal life is to sit on the couch eating chips all day.

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