Aquarius Man x Taurus Woman

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The Aquarius man and Taurus woman work together as a team rather than showcase individual differences. They act upon each other's strength and can achieve almost anything. Taurus women like their lives to be well planned and adhere to planning and precession, whilst the Aquarius man is the exact opposite.

The Aquarius man displays immense honesty and truthfulness in a relationship and enjoys taking it slow. Given that a Taurus woman expects the same level of honesty in her partner, the Aquarius man proves to be a fantastic match for the Taurus woman. A master of his own, the Aquarius man does not appreciate being told around and are only happy and fulfilled when they have the liberty to follow their own ways. He is also very relaxed in his approach to life and is easy going as opposed to the Taurus woman who is very uptight about certain aspects of life.

The differences between the Aquarius man and Taurus woman seep into their personal lives as well because whilst the Taurus woman enjoys a laid back day at home, the Aquarius man wishes to spend the day outside.

The Taurus woman considers love as a display of intimate emotions where as the Aquarius man looks at it as a means of satisfying his physical needs. This can cause severe conflict between the two as they both perceive love in two opposite ways.

The Aquarius man and Taurus woman fail to see eye to eye on various important matters of day to day life. This causes trouble in the household and a difference of opinion in the most critical circumstances. Though every couple in a relationship face their due share of conflict, the Aquarius man and Taurus woman are unfortunate to deal with what is in store for them due to their contrasting opinions.

However, all their differences should not deter the Aquarius man and Taurus woman to spend their lives together as once identified, these issues can be worked upon mutually with consideration and awareness of the same. If the Aquarius man learns to accept the compulsive nature of the Taurus woman and in return, if she learns to be relatively laid back and relaxed, chances of their success increase manifold.

Aquarius Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility

I guess it is possible for any two people to get together on some basis, but this is a wild stretch of the astrological imagination. Taurus is so conservative and Aquarius is so out there it is hard to conceive of these two having a single thing in common except their stubbornness. Furthermore, Taurus is interested in money and material well being while Aquarius could care less as long as he has an ideal that he can dedicate his life to.

How to Attract a Taurus Woman as an Aquarius Man

If you are intersested in a Taurus lady who has her own finances, you have a good shot of wooing her with your glamorous lifestyle. She spends a lot of time doing simple things like housework, gardening, sewing, paying the bills, cooking, and shaving her legs. Your causes and vast network of interesting "friends" can really be attractive to her if she's got a stable life of her own she can always go back to. Be respectful of her needs and take the time to explain things to her carefully and you should find that she is willing to join you on some exciting adventures.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Taurus Woman

Show your intelligence and detach from the personal. Focus instead on the issues that surround him. You are probably going to meet him as a member of a group working for a positive goal for the community, so take advantage of those circumstances to create conversation. Aquarius is fanatically loyal, so you should believe in his cause or at least be willing to learn more about it. If you don't think you can commit to it, you'd better leave him alone.

Degree of Romance

It is hard to be romantic with an Aquarius because he puts the value on friendship. When he refers to her as "best friend" the lady bull may not understand the complement fully. This man is not into flowers, candy, handholding or special feelings. All Aquarians seem to have a time space issue where they crowd as much as they possibly can into each hour of every day. She has got to be prepared to get up early and go to bed late if you want to keep up with this dynamo. Of course, this leaves little or no time for romance, which he will consider a complete and utter waste of time.

Degree of Passion

Both these signs are capable of intense focus which passes for passion; however, it will be toward, in the case of Taurus, material possessions, and in the case of Aquarius, The Cause. They can lead two separate lives if they get to know each other well enough, and it will be very helpful if Taurus shows some passion his projects.

Degree of Friendship

This is one sign combination that can have a high degree of genuine friendship (which Aquarians value above everything else). He has a humanitarian streak and code of honor that insists he devote himself to the well-being of his fellow traveling companions on the planet. She will have to extend herself a little. It will help if she can hook up with some people in his network (again, to show support for his cause). Tauruses are not unfriendly but the act of extending herself is not necessarily natural.

Degree of Marriage

These two could stick out a miserable situation for a long, long time because each one is too stubborn to admit they have made a mistake. Please look outside yourself for comment as necessary as to the appropriateness of your liaison. In some cases the facade of a marriage is maintained while Aquarius vacates the premises at every possible occasion and gives Taurus the money to furnish and provide for the home. Tauruses can withstand a lot of loneliness.

Progression of Relationship

This relationship has a lot of pushing and shoving in a psychic sense. Each is bossy and thinks they know how to make progress. Taurus is possessive, and she has a long list of activities and even duties that she expects the Aquarian to do, whereas Aquarius is always interested in closure so he can move on to other things. If he is interested in her, he may try to rope and tie the lady bull so he can get back to the rest of the rodeo.

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