Aquarius Man x Scorpio Woman

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The relationship between an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman is like a roller coaster ride - full of emotional twists, turns and bends. Both signs have typical traits which will need to be worked on from day one.

The Aquarius man is a social butterfly. He has a large social group and loves to spontaneously go out and hang around with friends. He is a "people person". This is a massive blow to the Scorpio woman who is extra protective of her relationships. She is usually possessive of her loved ones and at times and has a habit of looking back at past experiences while dealing with the present. If the Aquarius man's social group involves large number of women, the gloves may come off! Well, this is one side to the Aquarius man's trait. The other side is that he will love to indulge with the Scorpio woman who does not let her secrets out easily. He will be mesmerised during conversations with her and will love to be the "go-to" man for his Scorpio lover. Dealing with these emotional highs will be quite a task for the Scorpio woman. The outgoing and outspoken Aquarius man may sweep her off her feet on their first date, but the Scorpio woman should be aware and ready for the uphill battle she is setting herself in for. Mind you, if the communication lines are strong and open, these issues can certainly be dealt with.

The degree of romance between these two partners can be magical. The Aquarius man with his antics, ideas, energy and excitement will definitely charm the Scorpio woman who is a believer of love at first sight! She is also full of emotions of love, jealousy, rage, and has a strong sense of attachment to her lover. These emotions will take her on a wild ride with the Aquarius man. He will send a jolt through the soul of the Scorpio woman with his witty and electrifying nature. The courtship period is definitely full of sparks! The Aquarius man will surely need to watch his step when it comes to discussing past relationships. The Scorpio woman does not let her secrets out easily. Once she does, she expects the same in return. She will also not accept any lies. Lie to her, and you are in dangerous waters! The last thing both partners want is bad air on a romantic date, only due to past experiences and relationship creeping up in their conversations.

Love relationship between the Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman depends on trust levels between the two partners, which seem to creep up in every avenue in this relationship. Once the foundation is properly laid, the Scorpio woman and the Aquarius man should be able to feast of each other's wild fantasies! The Scorpio woman feels the need to be physically and emotionally close with her partner. The Aquarius man at times, scores low on emotional attachment. However the Scorpio woman's erotic talents will surely attract the aloof Aquarius man. Sensual, wild, crazy, beasty; words will not do justice to the physical bond between the two partners if absolute trust is gained!

The relationship between the Aquarius man and the Scorpio woman is that of "lessons to be learnt". They are both exposed to worlds unknown to them. The Scorpio woman will definitely need to reign in her emotions and the Aquarius man will need to do the exact opposite. The Aquarius man will be loyal and that is what the Scorpio woman strongly demands. The doors of stability in this relationship are opened by not one, but two keys - Honesty and good communication. Both partners should aggressively work to get these two elements aligned, and the rest will fall in place!

Aquarius Man and Scorpio Woman Compatibility

What happens when the Mad Scientist meets Dr. Frankenstein? Both creators and destroyers of world, Aquarius and Scorpio play for some pretty high stakes. But at least they understand this about each other. They are two very powerful, strong-willed people who can do anything they agree upon. An Aquarius man will not be fazed at all by a Scorpio woman's "powers". The reputation she has as The Temptress does not concern him in the least because it is impossible for him to be pulled into her force field other than voluntarily, so strong is his will. Contrary to what you might think, this is a relief to the Scorpio woman because it liberates her of the burden of always having to be the seducer.

How to Attract a Scorpio Woman as an Aquarius Man

The biggest gift you can give a Scorpio woman who has caught your eye is to let her know in no uncertain terms that are you are not intimidated by her. This would probably be such a relief to her that she will curl up in your lap and cover your face with kisses. In fact you could throw in a wild card and treat her like a friend. Believe me, no man has ever done that before. This sets you apart and gets her to take a new look at you as a possible suitor. If you really want to keep her enthralled, pretend you are indifferent to sex.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Scorpio Woman

The Aquarius man is so cerebral that he has a blind side sexually. That's where you have your advantage. All the time that he's throwing friendship at your and spouting detached commentary about "saving the world," his favorite cause, and the latest U2 Concert, the more you should vibrate on a very yin sexual frequency to draw him out of his world and into your own. Never try to compete with him intellectually. Use your God-given strength to your own advantage.

Degree of Romance

This can be an incredibly romantic relationship. The Aquarius man will be very vulnerable to the Scorpio woman's erotic skills and talents. Likely she will take him places he has never gone before. This will ultimately bring them very close together as they share intimately secrets that they keep from everyone else. You can be sure that Aquarius has never felt these things before and that is a very precious thing to have between two people.

Degree of Passion

Aquarius is also very vulnerable to the experience of passion when he is with a Scorpio woman. He may, in fact, discover it for the first time. Scorpio will be very tolerant of this fact.

Degree of Friendship

This relationship can be cemented firmly in place with the glue of friendship. Both signs are fixed and loyal. Both signs have a do-or-die, all-or-nothing philosophy. Neither would dream of betraying a confidence or letting a friend down, and they will consider each other the very best of friends.

Degree of Marriage

The prospects for marriage are terrific. Both partners value lasting commitments and are capable of offering that in return for a vow of fidelity. These are the two least likely to cheat and they are, in my opinion, the two most likely signs to stay together "forever," truly for better or for worse. Somehow Aquarius takes the sting out of Scorpio, and Scorpio takes the loneliness out of being an Aquarian. Why would they ever leave each other?

Progression of Relationship

Here are two people who don't play games. The attraction is likely to be instantaneous. Scorpios are famous for love at first sight because of their dead-eye perceptivity. Many a Scorpio has said, "I knew he was the one the minute I laid eyes on him". Aquarians have an electrifying radar which sends a jolt of recognition through them when they are in the presence of their soul-mate. When these two factors are present, these partners call it a lay down, and playing the cards out is just going through the motions. This makes the courtship especially enjoyable, knowing that it will have a successful ending.

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