Aquarius Man x Gemini Woman

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The friendship that the Aquarius man and Gemini woman share is bold, controversial and indomitable. This couple shares many similar characteristic and this could be one of the reasons why their attraction for each other is so evident. The Aquarius man and Gemini woman are both social butterflies, in that, they both love to go out, socialize and be merry. Neither will be discouraged when the other brings up a suggestion to spend an adventurous weekend away from the daily mundane hustles of everyday life. It won't be surprising to note that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman are the sole couple in the zodiac who always have plans for the weekends.

Since the Aquarius man is independent he will understand if his Gemini woman makes demands to retain her freedom as well. The couple is often on the same wavelength regarding most issues in life and thus is quite compatible with each other. This also avoids unnecessary conflicts in the relationship which makes it relatively more peaceful than most other couples in the zodiac. Even though the Gemini woman has a compulsive side to her behavior, it will not become an issue with the Aquarius man. He believes in giving each individual the required space in the relationship, a quality that builds the foundation of this relationship.

The Aquarius man is physically attractive and charming as is the Gemini woman. They will both be attracted to each other initially only through their appearances but once they get to know each other better, they will realize that their relationship runs deeper than superficial beauties. The Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will share a very deep and satisfying friendship which will slowly but surely culminate into a wonderful relationship. They will both be very successful in retaining their individual characteristics without hampering their life as a couple .This will ensure that the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman will stay true to their selves, from the beginning to the end.

Despite their compatibility, the couple will face problems in their lives. This is inevitable as it is an occurrence with almost all the couples across the globe. The problem that will set apart this couple from the rest of the group is that their fights may culminate into a disastrous end for them or make them doubly stronger. What they do with their fights and the lessons they learn from it determine how their lives will be shaped in the future.

Aquarius Man and Gemini Woman Compatibility

These two may be a curiosity to everyone else but really pretty happy together. Gemini is able to light Aquarius up and draw him more into life. Both the Aquarius man and the Gemini woman have a basically detached view of reality, a love of people, and an innate gregariousness. In fact, there may be so many people involved in their lives, that they hardly ever find themselves alone with one another, which can be fun.

How to Attract a Gemini Woman as an Aquarius Man

The problem is not attracting her so much as in keeping her. Unless you do something to make her know that she is special to you, she will think that she is just one of your many friends (you have many friends of both genders). It will help if there is some diversity involved, for example, if you two are different ages, cultures, or if there's a difference in economic circumstances. You will enjoy her quick mind and broad variety of interests, and will rely on that during courtship. Find out what the Gemini woman is interested in and cultivate the same territory if possible.

How to Attract an Aquarius Man as a Gemini Woman

No one can control an Aquarius, and no one can predict their behavior. All you can do is hope. On the contrary, don't be afraid to try anything. It might help, and at any rate he won't hold it against you.

Degree of Romance

Some of the sexiest men on the silver screen are Aquarians — Clark Gable, Paul Newman, John Travolta, and Burt Reynolds just for starters. If he wants you, he will absolutely knock you off your feet. There is such an electrifying quality to an Aquarius man, the chemistry is bound to be illegal in all 52 states and one you haven't thought of. An element of romance is freshness and ingenuity. He will court you in a way that makes you sure he isn't doing the same thing to five other ladies. He will identify something unique about you and him, and it will ring true. What's not romantic about that? And Gemini, you little flirt ... you are such a creature for every man, but that's our little secret.

Degree of Passion

This can be a surprisingly passionate relationship. The shadow side of Aquarius is passionate to the hilt. If he really wants her, he will win her over by utterly sweeping her off your feet. The fact that she always has one little foot out the door just makes the game more exciting.

Degree of Friendship

Aquarius has the reputation of being friendly, but if you look around, you will find that they usually don't have many friends at all. Gemini — on the other hand — is everybody's running buddy. So this relationship may be especially meaningful to the Aquarian because it provides the Aquarius man with a friend.

Degree of Marriage

This makes a good marriage, although it may seem unconventional to the outsider. Both parties need a lot of space and may need different rooms, separate friends, work in different towns, separate vacations — but they will understand that about one another. The Aquarius man will be endlessly fascinated by the Gemini woman (never a dull moment) and Gemini will respect Aquarius' intelligence. Aquarius men are very loyal in their own fashion and make good husbands.

Progression of Relationship

There is no telling what's going to happen, which is part of the fun when an Aquarian man and a Gemini woman pair up. Much of the courtship may take place in room crowded with friends and shared activities. These are two of the busiest people in the zodiac, both famous for multi-tasking — don't be insulted if she's constantly on her cell phone. Because of their need of space, they may rely more than other couples on texting and IM. Aquarius will keep the relationship on track.

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