Running Away From Problems

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It was hard to sleep. Every time I closed my eyes I'd see the faces of those I loved and it made me cry. I'd let out a couple tears then force myself to fall into a deep slumber.

The medication Danny was giving me quickly healed my injuries. Whatever was in it made the pain go away almost instantly. He called it Wiz touch. The name sounded funny but the stuff worked wonders. I've been here for two days. Two days since Gunther was destroyed. Two days since Alex was killed.

"Rise and shine," Amanda announced as she walked into the room. "Today's the day you can probably start walking."

Yes! "Oh that's great! Am I really better that fast?" I was skeptical about that Wiz touch. But then again, the results were abnormal.

"Slow down honey. I can't promise you'll be able to run away from biters right away. For now, lets focus on making sure you can walk easily."

I let my happiness get the better of me and let a huge smile spread across my face. Danny walked in the room with Layla. I thought it was the right time to let Danny know that Derek was okay.

"Danny, I have to tell you something." I started with confidence, meeting his eyes. "Derek's alive. He was with me during the attack. I'm not sure if he's okay or not because last time I saw him, he had a hole through is leg. It must've hit a major artery because he was bleeding profusely. But Derek's strong. He'll make it."

Danny was speechless. He went to speak but nothing came out.

"Tio Derek's alive?" Layla asked in a voice mixed with excitement and confusion.

"I-I-I guess so." Danny stammered. "Hazel where is he now?"

"Why do you think I'm trying to leave? I need to find him and my friends." I stated once more, hoping to get my point across.

Danny and Amanda shared a long look at each other. She nodded and Danny turned back to me.

"We'll look for Derek and your friends this afternoon. However, there's something you should know about Derek. I doubt he's told you much about his past."

When I shook my head, he proceeded.

"Well Derek has a bad habit of running away from his problems. When things go to shit, he tends to turn the other way. He doesn't like involving himself in things that turn bad. I used to be in the military so I taught him how to do some close quarters combat like a pro. So a couple of years ago, him and I got into a fight with a group of people at a bar. Derek out those skills to the test and knocked out two people. While I was dealing with my own guy, Derek slammed some poor bastard's skull into the wooden bar. I thought the dude was dead but thankfully he was breathing. Derek left before he could even find out if the man was okay or not. He assumed he died and ran away. Needless to say we were banned from that bar forever but that wasn't bothering me. I confronted him about it and he pushed me away. This goes back to the 'running away from his problems' thing. I doubt he's still with your friends but if he is, you guys must have him on a leash. Either that or he's gonna leave soon." Danny finished.

Hearing this made me remember some times Derek would turn away from problems in the group. But he was different now. Derek only mentioned how he just prefers being alone and has always been that way since his friends left, but I didn't know it was this bad. He always seemed like the leader type. But then again, Xander always had the level of authority.

Danny looked down at his watch and got up.

"It's time to go."

When I got out of bed, I expected a struggle. However, I was able to move without a struggle. Layla noticed my achievement and smiled.

"It was easy for me too. I broke my leg when I was 8 and my dad gave me Wiz touch to help. I was walking again the next day." She explained.

"This thing is great. I should get some for Derek and whoever needs it." I started. Then I changed the topic. "Wait, Layla how old are you?"

"I'm 16."

I nodded at her and we made our way to Danny's truck. Amanda ran back inside to grab more Wiz touch and other miscellaneous supplies. When she got back, we all jumped into the vehicle and Danny started to pull out of the driveway. The rotters that were around had migrated somewhere else.

"Any clue as to where Derek's at?" Danny asked me as he looked into the rear view mirror.

"Um...maybe he's still in Gunther?" I guessed.

"I doubt he'd go back there. Remember, problems started there." He dismissed.

"Well then he should be relatively close to Gunther. He was bleeding profusely. He couldn't have gone anywhere further."

"So you're suggesting we run around like a chicken without a head?" Amanda sounded confused.

"No, we drive like a chicken without a head." I joked.

"Chicken's can't- fine, whatever. We'll look for an hour at most. If we don't find him, or any clue that he's been there, we leave." Danny said sternly.

I nodded at him. I hoped my friends would take refuge in a nearby house or restaurant. I also wondered if anybody was talking about me. I changed my mind because I felt selfish. Alex was killed-no- murdered for no reason other than sport. Rodney's laugh and smug grin tainted my mind and my heart yearned for revenge. Alex, Mike, and the other countless survivors deserved justice. I would've given anything to shove his eyeballs down his throat. The thought of making Rodney suffer made me smile a little bit.

Woah. I thought. Am I going crazy?

I didn't care though. I wanted Rodney to suffer like we did.

And I was planning on doing just that.

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