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I ran through the campgrounds and made my way to the docks with Alessandra. We shot some of the goons that tried stopping us and kept going.

"Give him hell..."

Derek's words played out in my head over and over again. I needed to avenge everybody we lost. Alex, Michael, Star... Derek...

I shook my head and made our way into the ship before the doors closed. Xander got in the helicopter with John and the others to provide aerial support. Inside the ship I dove into cover and Aless and I stood close by, prepared for any ambushes. Loud heavy footsteps slammed against the metal floor giving me a hint as to where the enemy was coming from. Once the steps came to a halt, I lunged out and stabbed someone in the back of their neck, however not managing to kill them. When the victim screamed in pain, Aless slid under a pair of legs and sliced the back of their knees. It was a woman and she dropped to the floor.

I came from behind her and grabbed her by the hair violently. "Where is he? Where's Rodney!?" I screamed.

"He-he's on the lower level! Please don't kill me!" The woman pleaded.

I closed my eyes shut, and slit her throat. She made gurgling noises before falling silent. Alessandra gave me a look and turned away. We rushed down the steep steps and burst through the door. Nobody greeted us with bullets so I decided to take a look around.

It was a science lab looking place. There were tubes of God knows what and pictures of everybody on the ship displayed on computer monitors. The images continued changing, showing more and more familiar faces. Then, a picture of me popped up. It had all my information. My eye color, my weight, height, boob size, etc. It switched to Derek with his info, then Xander, and then Alessandra. The others weren't showing up so I got concerned.

A gunshot rang through the room, snapping me out of my daze. I took cover and saw Aless be grabbed from behind. Rodney was behind her, gripping her so tightly with wild eyes.

"Come on out Hazel." He ordered. "There's no use hiding."

I slowly peeked my head out from behind the counter and pulled out my pistol.

"That's a good girl. Now put the gun down."

"Yeah right. Fuck off." I shouted back.

He pressed the barrel of the gun harder into Aless's head. "Unless you want her to die, I suggest you put it down."

I stood up and aimed the gun at Rodney. "You really think I care about her?" I said with a sinister look.

Aless's eyes widened and then she furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh really? I thought you two were close." Rodney replied with a satisfied face.

"I only did it for Derek." I said. "But he's gone now. So go ahead. Kill her."

"You're bluffing."

"Try me."

I nodded slightly at Aless and she threw her head back into his face. When he released his grip, she moved out of the way and I shot him in the shoulder.

"Argh!" He screamed in pain.

Rodney fell to the floor and I rushed at him. I pulled out my knife and jumped on top of him. I stabbed him in his bullet wound repeatedly and punched him in the face with my other hand. He knocked the knife away and threw me on my side. He wrapped his hands around my throat and began squeezing tightly. I tried clawing at his face but he knocked my hand away. My vision started to blur and Rodney's started smiling. I was waiting for Aless to do something but she wasn't anywhere to be found. In an act of life or death, I mustered all my strength and extended my arm out to try and reach something. After what seemed like forever, my fingers wrapped around an object and I slammed it into the side of Rodney's head. When he fell off of me, I took a huge breath of air and my vision returned to normal.

"You little bitch! I'll kill you! I should've shot you dead when I had the chance! You fucking whore!" He cussed.

I looked down at the object and saw it was a keyboard. I once again got on top of Rodney and began bashing his face in with the device. Blood splattered everywhere and his groans of pain became muffled due to the blood blocking his airways. His face turned into mush and he stopped moving.

I rolled over on my back and breathed heavily. Alessandra rushed to my side with a mixture of anger and concern.

"Its okay. I didn't mean anything I said." I assured her.

She smiled and helped me up. Then, Rodney's goons burst into the room ready to fire their guns. When one of them saw his unrecognizable corpse, the man looked furious.

"Kill them!" He ordered.

Just as they were gonna shoot, bullets came from behind them. All 3 of the attackers dropped to the floor and Riley entered with Xander. He ran over to Aless and I and hugged us tight. He then looked at Rodney's body, then me.

"You let your rage get the best of you, huh?" He commented.

"Yeah- I mean..yeah." I replied, averting his gaze.

"That's okay. We all have our moments."

The rest of our friends ran into the room and escorted us out. The rest of Rodney's men surrendered and some even thanked us for it. I looked around at the carnage and felt bad, but then relief overcame me. I killed the man who ruined our lives more than the dead did. I made Derek proud.

With all the commotion that went on I never had the time to grieve. So, I took the time to cry and mourn the losses of my two best friends. Aless cried along with me for a bit and went off to bury Derek and Star. Stella and Maria were found dead due to getting eaten by the reanimated corpses. It was chaos.

However, through the chaos there was always a light. I looked into the sky as the sun rose up from its slumber. In the clouds, I saw Derek laughing with Alex and Star. Mike laughed along too with some whiskey in his hand. I thought about his daughter and wondered if she was okay but then remembered that she was given to a village for care secretly.

"I'll always be there for you." Derek had said. "Even if I'm away or hell even dead, I'll be there."

"Thank you, Derek."

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