(Revenge)Mandela Effect

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(Alessandra drawn by Mary)

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(Alessandra drawn by Mary)

(5 months later in Machton)

He kicked me in the gut harshly. I coughed up blood and the bright red liquid splattered onto the hard wood floor. He then grabbed me by my collar and threw me to the wall.

"You really think I'm stupid, huh?" He said angrily as he kicked me in the face. "I have a ship to catch at Blinkseville and you're gonna wait til now to tell me that she's still alive?! You know I hate unfinished business. Especially if my own guys are the ones that are the reason their still alive."

I laid face down and wheezed. I clutched onto my ribs in agony then managed to sit upright, using the wall as support for my aching back.

"She was alive and I couldn't just leave her." I defended my actions.

He met my eyes as he crouched down to my meet me face to face. His expression was full of a calm rage. "Don't fuck with me Garcia. You and your family are alive because of me. Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to harm poor Layla..."

"No! Please just leave my family alone! They had nothing to do with what happened." I pleaded.

He stood up and looked down at me. Then, he smiled and pulled out his bench knife. He put the sharp blade to my cheek lightly.

"An eye for an eye?"

Before I could ask what he meant, he shoved the blade into my eye socket. I felt the metal shift around as he carved my eye out. I screamed in anguish as he finally separated my left eye from its socket. I shakily raised my hand to my now eyeless hole and rested it there. Tears leaked from my remaining eye.

"C'mon Danny, man up! The military doesn't tolerate pussies. I hope this teaches you what happens if you fuck with me. Next time, it'll be your hand." He threatened. "Now get up and let's watch your face."

"Just-just leave my family alone. Please Rodney." My voice came out quivering.

Rodney chuckled and opened the door for us. He threw my eyeball into the trash and brought me to his medical assistant.

"What was that girl's name? Hailey? Hannah?"

"Hazel. It's Hazel." I answered softly.

"Aah, I like her already. Welp, let's go buddy. We don't need your daughter seeing daddy become a pirate in this condition! Hey, you think your wife's into guys with one eye?" Rodney taunted as the doctor entered the room with gauze and alcohol.

I stood quiet and hoped that Hazel found Derek and went far away from here. Being in Machton was a living hell. Killing all of those innocent people was even worse. But I was doing this for Layla and Amanda. They couldn't know the truth. And they wouldn't know the truth.

Derek (5 months later in Blinkseville)

"Got any 7's?" Xander asked as he stared at his deck of cards.

"Nope." I answered.

"Go fish."

I reached into the pile of cards and pulled out a King. Then, I thought out loud. "Wait, isn't it goldfish?"

"Huh? What're you talking about?" Xander asked with a confused look on his face.

"The game. I remember it being gold fish."

"Holy shit, Mandela effect much?"

"Or you're both really stupid." TJ added as he laid his cards face up on the table.

"Go fuck yourself TJ." Xander joked.

I laughed and TJ just smirked. He got up out of his seat and looked around the camp. It was Spring and the sun was shining. Xander followed TJ's lead, putting his cards down on the table.

"I'm gonna go check on Stella." He announced.

"Awww, you're checking on your wittle girlfriend. My boy is growing up." I teased.

"You're acting like you weren't all over Alessandra not too long ago." Xander countered.

"Oh shit Derek what you gotta say?" TJ cosigned.

I stood quiet and shook my head with a smile. I waved Xander goodbye as he walked away. TJ walked in the other direction and I was left alone at the round table to put the cards away.

When we first got to Blinkseville, I was highly skeptical of the place. It took a long talk with Hazel to warm up to the place. After the first month, it felt like home. We were lucky to have somewhere to stay during the Winter. It would've been rough somewhere else. TJ is a guy I met while training in the weight room. We got along fast and even though he can be a dick, I know he'll have my back. Hazel and Star help the doctors with patients while Xander and I go on runs with some soldiers. Alessandra cooks with Stella in the kitchen.

Blinkseville was very welcoming. We get about 5 new survivors a month and some are transferred to another safe zone due to lack of space. We made a good home here though. It felt good.

I put the cards back into the box and returned it to the entertainment center. From there, I found Hazel and Star in the medical tent.

"How's everything going here?" I asked.

Hazel looked up from her clipboard and rested it on the bed nearby. Star turned to me with a smile.

"It's going well. The wiz touch replica is really helping these patients. Star and I have charted those who need daily doses." Hazel explained.

"I'm glad to hear that. Have you guys talked to Maria yet? She suggests that we give up our non knock off brands of wiz touch and give it to the soldiers that patrol the area. I'm against it so you guys should really look into that problem. It's our supply and I get it, she's the boss but we have something just as good."

"Yeah I got you. We'll make sure our supply is safe. I think Alessandra was looking for you though. She should be in the children area." Star informed me.

I nodded, waved goodbye to them, and headed for the kids place. I entered the building and went to the West Wing where the kids are. I opened the door and knocked on the side so Aless would know I was there. She met me by the entrance and greeted me with a kiss. The kids said hello to me as I entered the room. It smelled of day old cookies and other child like substances.

"Derek did you hear about some community that Maria's planning on meeting with?" Alessandra asked as we went to the corner of the room.

"Only from a couple of soldiers. But why what's up? What about it?"

"I think it's Machton."

"Huh? Why so?"

Aless ran her hand through her hair and looked around to make sure nobody was listening in. "I overheard Maria mention Rodney's name over a transmission."

"Fuck," I sighed, "But wait how would he even get here? Maybe it's another Rodney. We haven't had any problems with Machton since the attack. Are you positive that you heard his name specifically?"

"Yes Derek. I know what I heard. We have to warn Maria before its too late."

"Okay baby, I'll talk to her asap. I'll see you later." I kissed her goodbye. "I love you."

"I love you too," Alessandra replied. "Now hurry up."

Authors Note: I have changed Jaylin's name to Stella due to some unwanted issues. Sorry for any confusion. Also, Danny's daughters name is Layla.

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