Chapter 11: Welcome part 2

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Rock Lee's POV:
After leaving the hospital, I arranged that the girls should meet up with her first so they could help her with clothes. I then met up with the guys and waited up town.
Kiba: "So what's the new girl like? Is she pretty?"
Shikamaru: "Who cares, so long as she isn't as pushy as Ino. This is such a drag"
I replied to Kiba, "She's a medical ninja, her name is Sayuri and I don't know what she looks like. Her face is more concealed than Kakashi Sensei. As for her mannerisms, she isn't pushy. She seems nice but she doesn't show emotion. I don't know much but I know she was an anbu so that is why she shows no emotion." I was met with a barrage of shocked faces.
That was when the girls walked up. She was riding her ninja hound with Hinata and the others were walking. She looked lovely in that outfit. She and Hinata would be great friends I'm sure. I heard a howling and Akamaru with Kiba on his back jumped over me and ran to her.
Kiba: "So you're the new girl, name's Kiba. This is Akamaru What's your names?"
I sighed in aggravation. 'I should have known this would happen'
Sayuri bowed and said "My name is Sayuri. It is an honor to meet you Kiba. My companion is Hitsugi." She rode up to the rest of us and was followed by the others. I went and helped her down even though she said she could do it. I worried about her putting too much stress on herself.  She stood before us and bowed in respect "My name is Sayuri. Thank you for welcoming me into your village, I am truly grateful." Her eyes remained as empty as before when she said these words. I made it my mission to make her smile. Everyone introduced themselves and we showed her around the village. It was great fun.
When it came time for supper, we asked her what she would like. We told her there was barbeque, ramen, curry shops (my personal favorite and more'. However she looked at us confused
Lee: "What's wrong Sayuri? Do you not like any of those options?
Sayuri: "What's ramen, barbeque and curry?"
Every jaw dropped. I asked "You mean you never had any of those?"

She replied, "No. As an anbu in my land, we were only allowed to eat plain fruit,simply cooked vegetables, tofu and simply cooked meat. We weren't allowed to have luxurious meals of any kind. It was almost as forbidden as seeing yourself."
Everyone grew silent, then Sakura spoke up "You mean you've never seen what you look like?"
Sayuri: "No I haven't. Only two people have ever seen my face, my father and mother. Lady Tsunade almost did but she changed her mind. In my land, anbu can't have any identity so we aren't allowed to see ourselves or each other's faces. Having a face makes you become a person in that line of work. It gives you an identity. Anyways that's enough about me, you guys should pick." We discussed it and eventually decided on barbeque. Sitting in the restaurant we started talking as we cooked, Choji showed her how to.
Choji: "So what is your favorite food then if you couldn't have any of the foods we eat?"
Sayuri thought about it for a moment, then said "I suppose peaches are my favorite food, they were a rare treat we got when they came in season." I smiled at this, she seemed already to be a part of our group and I was glad that everyone made her feel welcome. She had just finished cooking meat and looked to me expectantly. Snapping out of my trance I looked at her "huh?" She held a piece of meat in her chopsticks and offered to feed it to me. "No thank you, I couldn't." She interrupted "I would like to, to thank you for saving me. I blushed and my friends didn't fail to notice. The guys snickered and the girls whispered. She fed me a piece and as I ate I thought'Why is she doing this? Why do I feel weird'.
We all looked at her expectantly, knowing she had to remove her mask to eat, but she didn't. Instead there was a slit over her mouth that we couldn't see before, through which she ate.
Sayuri: "This is wonderful. Thank you for letting me experience it with you all."
We all blushed and smiled at her. She is going to fit right in. I just wish Naruto was here to meet her. She complimented everyone at least once and at one point even Shino.
A bug flew over and landed on her. I was going to kill it but she stopped me.
Sayuri: "Don't kill it. She's a magnificent specimen. Is she one of yours Shino?
Shino: "You remembered my name?"
Sayuri: "Of course I did. Is this insect one of yours?"
He nodded, shocked that someone had remembered him.
Sayuri: "The females are quite useful I'm sure, here" she gave it back to him. Most girls are creeped out by Shino, but she accepted everyone.
Kiba was already head over heals just because she had a dog and I don't know about Shino, but he seemed happy. The girls didn't even argue around her. It will be great with her around.

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