Chapter 56: A promise of a Lifetime

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Rock Lee's POV:

Shortly after the sound of the flatline, Lady Tsunade and Shizune left the Operating Room and walked up to us. They looked depressed and exhausted.

Lady Tsunade: "We tried our best but it just wasn't enough. I'm sorry."

I couldn't bear to listen to them, I pushed past them and ran into the Operating Room. In the middle of the room was the surgical table with a blanket draped across it. Under the blanket I could see her form. I ran to her and pulled back the blanket to her chest level and saw that it was her. She was horribly beaten and bloody from what I could see. I reached under the blanket and held her hand. It was cold and distant. I couldn't accept this, I couldn't.

I began sobbing over her while clutching her hand to my chest.

"Sayuri! Sayuri wake up! Please wake up! You're my everything, my heart, the light of my life, you're the reason I push myself to be a better ninja, to be a better man. You can't leave me alone, I need you! Please peach blossom I love you."

I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder and saw Kakashi at my side. He too was crying.

Kakashi: "Lee, she's gone. We have to let her go. I know it hurts, I know it is difficult but there is nothing we can do."

I ignored him completely, I could never let her go.

"Sayuri, I promise you that we will have the life you always dreamed of. We will live in the village, we'll have a garden to grow medicinal herbs in, and we can have as many children as you want. We will grow old together, and we'll... We'll..."

I completely broke down and I felt strong arms pulling me close. Kakashi had pulled me into a hug and was holding me close to him. I cried into his chest like a defenseless child.

I stayed like this for awhile until suddenly he let me go.

Kakashi: "Wait..."

Kakashi's POV:

I couldn't bear to watch Lee breaking down like this. I was desperately struggling to prevent myself from sobbing. I still couldn't stop myself from crying. I pulled him into my arms and held him to calm him down.

Then I noticed something, it was subtle and I barely caught sight of it but I immediately let go of Lee and walked over to Sayuri.

Kakashi: "Lady Tsunade! Shizune!"

They came rushing in and both spoke at once.

"What is it, what's wrong?!"

Kakashi: "I saw her breathe, it was subtle but I saw it! She is still alive, you have to save her!"

Lady Tsunade: "Kakashi I know your'e upset, we all are, but she is gone. She flatlined and..."

Kakashi: "I know what I saw! Isn't it possible!?"

Lady Tsunade: "Well I suppose if her heart rate dropped low enough, then it could trick the machine and if she were breathing softly enough we may not have noticed." 

She walked over with Shizune and began healing Sayuri, they called for Sakura and Ino. They came running and helped to heal her as well.

Lady Tsunade: "She is breathing Kakashi! You were right, we barely got here in time. Please step back out so we can finish up here." 

Lee and I left, he was still crying, but this time it was tears of joy.

Lee: " She is going to be okay!" 

I smiled at him and watched as he wiped away his tears.

Several hours later

Sayuri's POV: 

I opened my eyes and the couldn't see, the light was painful and blinding. I slowly adjusted and could see, I saw elder brother to my left holding my hand with his head down, Lee to my right holding my hand and asleep, and Hitsugi asleep at my feet. 

I giggled softly at the sight of them all but it hurt. They woke with a start.

Kakash, Lee: "Sayuri! Your'e awake!" 

I smiled weakly at them and spoke, it hurt but I had to ask

"Did I miss our wedding Lee?" 

He smiled and shook his head "Not at all blossom, try to relax. Don't push yourself."

I laid back and relaxed and soon fell back to sleep with my three loves there with me.

A Lotus in Winter: A Rock Lee Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now