13RW [Jeff X Reader] Pt. I

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Imagine you being best friends with Tony and Clay. You're the one girl who's either oblivious to all the cute boys around you and/or you're the one girl who brushes off all flirtatious comments thrown at you. However, there is one boy who's truly interested in you and he finally decides to make it known when Valentine's Day rolls around.

. .

Walking through the school hall, you wrinkle your nose at the red and pink paper hearts adorning the walls. Valentine's Day is just around the corner and posters advertise dollar carnations so you can buy your Valentine all he/she deserves. It's not that you have anything against the Hallmark holiday, it's just.. all so pink and definitely not one of your favorite colors.

You make it to gym, pasting on a frown as you trudge inside. Making a beeline for the coach, you pass over a note and wait patiently as it's read. The coach scoffs, you bite back a smirk and then trudge over to the bleachers when the coach grunts in acknowledgement of having read the note before waving you off. When you stomp halfway up said bleachers, you let your book bag fall with a content sigh before laying down on your stomach on one of the bleacher seats while pillowing your head atop your crossed arms.

"You look cozy," you hear Tony's familiar voice say. "What excuse is it this time?"

"Killer cramps and a heavy flow. I enjoy grossing out the coach." Cracking open an eye, you see Tony decked out in gym wear sitting right in front of you, grinning. "Having a vagina really has it's perks."

Tony shakes his head in amusement when you feel someone squeeze your ankle. Pushing yourself up just far enough to glance over your shoulder, you smile at Clay's friendly face as he takes a seat by your feet before laying back down. "Hey, Jensen. How's it hanging?"

"Y/N," he chuckles in greeting instead. "What's the excuse this time? Explosive diarrhea or lady problems?"

"You boys know me so well," you drawl. "And it's the latter today. I'm in need of a nap so I forged a note before coming in."

"Of course, you did."

Clay and Tony make small talk as you rest your eyes before class officially starts, you mentally laughing as Clay starts talking about the new girl Hannah Baker once more. Tony groans because you've heard all about Hannah from Clay before, but you let him talk as much as he wants.

"Y/N," you hear and blink your eyes open only to spot a rather smug looking Montgomery (Monty for short).

You roll your eyes. "What do you want, Monty?"

"Valentine's is coming up, do you-"

"No," you immediately reply and close your eyes once more.

"You didn't even let me finish!" Tony and Clay chuckle at his loud complaint. "Come on, Y/N, just one-"

"Hard no," you scoff with a laugh.

"You won't regret it," he singsongs.

"I already regret being friendly with you. Keep walking, Montgomery."

"Your loss, sweetheart. Maybe next time."

"Mhm. Sure." Noticing that Clay and Tony have gone quiet as well after Monty has no doubt walked on, you open your eyes only to find both boys seated in front of you, eyebrows raised in surprised. "What?"

"What do you mean what?" Tony asks.

"That's the fourth guy you've turned down these last two weeks," Clay muses.

You frown. "What? No."

"Uh. Yes," Tony huffs. "Bryce last week."

"Ew. Gross." Your nose wrinkles. Bryce had bad news written all over him. His smile was too perfect and sincere to be anything but, but no one seemed to notice. Either that or they didn't want to.

"Marcus the following day," Clay continues, "And Zach just two days ago."

"Monty makes four," Tony says. "Four guys you've turned down. Four guys who have all been hoping to be your Valentine."

You push yourself up into a sitting position, planting your feet between your two friends. "No," you laugh in disbelief. "They're just.." You trail off, smile fading and eyes distant. Had they been flirting? Where their lame attempts for Valentine's dinner actually sincere?

"Huh," you finally say and then shrug it off. "I thought they were joking."

"They weren't," Tony smirks. "Seriously, Y/N, it amazes me that you're so oblivious to all the male attention you get around here."

Rolling your eyes, you reach forward to flick Tony's ear. "Whatever. I'm not really interested in those boys, but free food is free food." You grin. "I'll talk to them later and come up with a little game. First one to figure out my favorite flower and gift it to me on Valentine's day can take me out to dinner."

"Do my studded ears deceive me or did I just hear the smartest and most beautiful lady of Liberty High throw down a challenge for her hand in a date?"

A body plops down next to you and a warm arm drapes over your shoulders. Heart beating faster, you will away the blush threatening to color your cheeks and turn to face none other than Jeff Atkins- your crush since the eighth grade. "Jeff," you grin. "Hey."

"Hi," he beams. "So what's this about a date with my favorite lady?"

Dammit. Don't blush, don't blush, don't blush.

"Y/N has already had four suitors." Tony fills him in since you can't seem to tear your gaze away from Jeff's. "She's offering a date to whichever one brings her, her favorite flower."

Jeff quirks an eyebrow at you. "Favorite flower, you say?" His smile turns into a knowing smirk. "Challenge accepted." Then with a wink, Jeff quickly stands and takes his leave.

For a few seconds you continue to stare at the spot Jeff just vacated, but realization sets in and you whirl on your friends in horror. Only now they're smirking in a knowing manner at you and your heart sinks. They know.

"So Jeff, huh?" Tony teases. "I gotta admit, I did not see this coming."

"You totally can't make fun of me for my crush on Hannah now," Clay chuckles. "You totally have the hots for Jeff."

You open your mouth to retort, only to snap it shut and then glare at your two friends. "You both suck. Go run your laps."


Valentine's Day rolls around and you're stuck carting around flowers you don't even like.

Bryce was the most unoriginal with his small bouquet of red roses, Marcus bought daisies, Montgomery bought dollar carnations of every color, and Zach- sweet, sweet Zach bought a chocolate rose. The four suitors apparently took the challenge to heart, they liking nothing more than a little friendly competition, but they're all kind of bummed none of them guessed your favorite flower.

But as lunch rolls around and you've forgotten all about the last, apparent suitor, you don't notice Tony or Clay grinning like idiots as you put together your hamburger. You're about to take a bite of your food when you finally notice their stares. "What?" You ask.

Tony and Clay say nothing, shaking their heads as they dig into their own food.

Halfway through lunch you notice the table of jocks behind your boys quiet down, the four suitors staring behind you and snickering to one another. Narrowing your eyes at them, you notice quite a few other students have quieted down as well and look in your direction. Apparently, your little challenge had gotten out and amused quite the student body.

"What?!" You snap.

Tony and Clay snort, covering their laughs with a hand.

Feeling a tap on your shoulder, your turn around and your scowl instantly drops at the sight of Jeff. Jeff who's standing there in a black dress shirt with it's sleeves rolled up and holding a single white lily; your favorite flower.

He brushes your hair behind your right ear with a grin and tucks the flower there in your hair with an amused glint in his eye. Leaning down, he then brushes a lingering kiss to your cheek before murmuring, "I win." Then straightening up, he chuckles at your gobsmacked expression. "I'll pick you up at seven."

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