13RW [Zach X Reader]

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leonygunawan said: HI ITS ME AGAIN! i want to request a zach dempsey imagine where y/n are very close friends to jeff and at the night of the very very tragic accident y/n were with zach when clay called you THANK YOU SO MUCH LOVE YOU💖💖

Author's Note: Warning! Character death ahead.

"Zach," you warn, narrowing your eyes and planting your hands on your hips as you stand in front of the TV. "Don't give me those puppy eyes. We are not watching Transformers again. We've seen it three times this week."

"But we watched Titanic all last month," he pouts.

"It's a classic!"

"A classic that you constantly feel asleep to ten minutes in and then managed to miraculously wake up right when they hit the iceberg."

You scoff. "'Cause that's when the good stuff starts happening!"

"Mhm. We're watching Transformers."

"The hell we are."

"You tell him, girl," Mrs. Dempsey mutters, padding barefoot through her own home with a wine glass in hand before heading upstairs.

Your eyes widen in surprise, you having momentarily forgotten she was home even if she was less scary behind closed doors. But Zach's mom was still low key scary at home, she never letting herself relax and was always seen in a crisp white blouse and pencil skirt.

Zach chortles at your moment of utter terror, but you quickly calm and lunge forward to slap his knee in retaliation. "Whatever. Put on Transformers. Or better yet," you suddenly perk up, "what about Maximum Overdrive? I know your dad has it and it's been years since I've seen that hilariously, creepy movie."

He shrugs. "Yeah. Sure. Let me go grab it from his den." As Zach pushes himself up and off the couch, he hums as he presses a chaste kiss to your lips and then hurries out of the room before you can even reciprocate.

You giggle as he disappears from view, fingers briefly brushing against your lips since you can't stop smiling. Zach was the ultimate jock, occasionally showing his sweet side, but since you've been dating it's been cute gestures and surprise kisses nearly every day.

He quickly returns with the movie, tossing it to you to put on while he grabs some drinks and popcorn. Then quickly settling down, you grab up your phone and snap a quick goofy selfie with him and make sure to include the buttery popcorn in the pic as well.

"Who are you sending that to?" He laughs as he sees your typing away on your phone.

"Jeff. I'm showing him what he's missing out on. He could have spent the evening with us, but no," you drawl. "He just had to go party it up like every other typical teenager."

"Need I remind you that you were moments away from attending said party, too?" Zach muses. "You only stayed behind because I decided not to go at the last minute."

"Shush. Don't talk." You reach out with your left hand, blindly searching for his mouth and gently covering it. "Ow!" You then yelp when you feel teeth nip you. Looking at Zach, he's smirking victoriously before grabbing up your hand and pressing kisses to your fingertips. "Jerk."

"You love me," he teases in return. "Now put your phone away and lets watch this movie. You have to be out of here by twelve, remember? Mom's orders."

"Yeah, yeah."

You and Zach proceed to get through the entire movie cuddled up on the couch before eleven thirty, you then collecting your dishes and walking them over to the kitchen to wash. Mrs. Dempsey joins you after coming downstairs, handing over her wine glass as you hold your hand out for it.

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