True Blood [Eric X Reader]

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Imagine being Sookie Stackhouse's fraternal twin. You split ways as soon as you graduated high school, but kept in touch with the family every now and then, so it's a bit of a surprise to find your sister and an enormous blonde vampire accompanying her to your home with news that something sinister wanted to forcefully marry and turn her into a vampire-fae hybrid.

Author's Note: In the TV show, if they are only half-fae, the magic is finite. If the half-fae isn't careful with how he/she uses their power, it will run out and he/she will no longer be fae. BUT IN THIS FIC, their powers are infinite.

"I still don't see why you just don't contact Bill," Eric drawls, rubbing his temples as if Sookie's mere presence is causing him a headache. "You know he'll do anything to protect you."

Pacing the length of Eric's Fangtasia office, Sookie scoffs. "I'm still mad at him."

"And you're not at me?" He muses. "If I remember correctly, you called me a controlling and possessive asshole when I purchased your home to keep a stranger from buying it when you went to the fae realm."

"I'm over it. You're actually a decent landlord."


"I just- I need an escort," she says, her blonde ponytail bouncing in her enthusiasm. "There's someone in Texas who can help me."

Eric smirks. "Do tell."

He can hear the little blonde fae's heartbeat tick up a notch. "If I do, you gotta promise me not to get mad. Promise me, Eric!" She then demands when the vampire's amusement shines even brighter.

"Scout's honor, Princess."

Rolling her eyes, Sookie huffs while planting herself in the chair across from his desk. "I may not have been totally honest with you or Bill when we first met." Eric's amusement slowly vanishes. "I- I have a twin," she admits. "She's half-fae as well, only her powers differ from mine. I might have also pretended to be naive in order to prolong everyone finding out what I was."

"How did we not find this out?"

Sookie shrugs. "Honestly? I'm not sure. Y/N fled the coop to attend college in Texas where she still resides to this day. While I wanted to be normal as long as I could, Y/N thrived in being what we are. She always bumped heads with Jason and I, but she was always there in times of a crisis should we need her."

"And you think she can help protect you from this vampire-fae hybrid that's after you?"

"She's powerful," Sookie grins. "And your fangs are going to drop when you see her," she laughs.

Eric huffs. "You sound so sure."

"I am. Because while I am of the Light, Y/N is of the Dark," she tells him softly. "I thrive under the sun and she thrives under the moon. Gran always thought something was wrong with Y/N because the more vicious a prank, the more hilarious Y/N found the situation. She scares me sometimes, but I know she'll never hurt her own blood."

Eric's eyes are alight with curiosity and Sookie knows she's got herself a Viking vampire escort. "We leave later today after sunset. Don't be late."

"I won't. Thank you."

- X -

Sitting on the porch of your home with a glass of iced tea resting on the armrest of your porch swing, you watch the rolling thunderheads in the sky light up with lightning in the distance. For a few days now, there's been a sense of something foreboding in the air. Every supe in the vicinity has felt it, so the small secluded supernatural town has been oddly quiet.

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