TVD [Gen Fic X Reader]

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Imagine being the cousin to Caroline Forbes. Your eighteenth birthday is coming up and your cousin's called ahead to inform you she's bringing a couple of friends to the party.

"Come on, Stefan," Caroline pleads. "We deserve this mini-vacay. Let Damon and Elena look after Mystic Falls for a while."

"I don't even know this cousin of yours, Caroline. I'm not going to crash her party."

"She won't mind! Come on, Bonnie's coming with. She knows we're due to let loose for a change, so why can't you?"

Stefan falters, but then shakes his head. "Yes because two vampires and a witch attending a party full of humans is a great idea," he deadpans.

"If it helps, she knows about my vamp-y little secret."


"What?! She's my cousin, Stefan. I couldn't not tell her. We're close. Well... as close as we can be given she lives in Texas."

Stefan's eyes close as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "And the fact that she could go around screaming vampire! at the top of her lungs didn't register?"

"It did. Which is why I visited her and showed her in case I had to compel her." She guiltily admits. "She cried and freaked out, but she got over it. She still loves me and she'll accept anyone that I say is okay."

"I don't know, Caroline. She could still be-"

"Still be what? It's fine, Stefan. Trust me."

Stefan ponders on it for a bit and Caroline stares at him, her smile slowly blossoming when she sees his resolve falter. She knows he needs this getaway, he knows he needs this getaway, and he knows that she knows he knows he needs this get away. So Stefan groans and Caroline claps happily. She knows she's won. "Fine. When do we leave?"

"Tomorrow. The party is in two days!"

- X -

Fluffing your frosty purple hair one last time, you stare at your reflection in the mirror and adjust your black lace crop top and your high waisted leather shorts with lace trim. The party is set to start at 7:30 and it's only about to turn 7.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

You spare your reflection one last glance, making sure your eye makeup is on point, before turning to greet whoever is at the door. The bedroom door opens and you squeal upon your cousin's entrance- Caroline decked out in a loose white blouse, it's hem stopping just short of the hem of her jean shorts. She has small daisies painted upon her face from cheek to cheek and across the bridge of her nose, and a daisy crown headband placed upon her perfectly teased blonde waves.



The two of you meet in the middle of your bedroom, arms wrapping around one another in a lingering hug. You're laughing as you pull away, smiling over your cousin's shoulder at the two individuals who had followed her in before giving Caroline your attention once more.

"Your hair! When did this happen?" She asks while reaching in and twirling a few strands around her finger. "I like it."

"So do I," you grin. "And it happened about three days ago. I was in need of change."

"I'll say," Caroline muses, "It looks good."

"Thanks." Your gaze then flickers to her friends and you wiggle your fingers in a wave a them. "Hey, thanks for coming. I'm Y/N."

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