TW [Jordan X Reader]

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Imagine moving to Beacon Hills because you hear it's a sanctuary for both humans and supernaturals. You're hoping to get a bit of a reprieve from your past, only to end up genuinely surprised when you instantly click with the town's very own Deputy Parrish.

Something about being in Beacon Hills eases the worry deep in your bones. You've heard stories of the McCall pack whose been outed as something other than human to the townsfolk and watch in awe as the locals just go on with their lives as if nothing were out of the ordinary. No one comes right out to mention the elephant in the room, so for you it's hard to pinpoint just who's human and who's not.

But figuring out who's who is besides the point and you just hope that should your past come back to haunt you, then someone here would be willing to give you a hand with the unwanted intruders to your life.

You're paying for your lunch, smiling at the cashier as she hands you back your change only for you to end up dropping it in the tip jar. She thanks you with a beaming smile and you salute her with your vanilla milkshake as you start to walk backwards toward the door. You push it open with your back and turn once there's enough room for you to exit the diner, and end up bumping into a rather firm chest.

You gasp and then grunt when you collide with the stranger, hands steadying you as you stumble. "Easy," the man in a deputy's uniform chuckles. Your eyes dart up to face of the stranger, only to be captivated by green eyes. "You good?"

A blush immediately heats up your face and you numbly nod before finding your tongue. "Y-yeah! I'm really sorry, Deputy.. Parrish." You apologize as your eyes find his name tag. "I should have been looking where I was going."

"No harm, no foul," he easily smiles. He releases you and takes a step back, and you gulp at his boy-ish smile.

Quickly taking in your fill of the deputy, you surprisingly like what you see and are honestly surprised when your heart starts to pick up speed at the instant attraction. The guy is handsome, there's no doubt about it, and he's tall and lean with a bit of a muscular build. He's pale complected with reddish-brown hair styled in an Ivy League cut, and his green eyes are really something else. You slowly breathe out and then turn even more red when you realize you stared longer than appropriate and Deputy Parrish has noticed as well.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna- I'm gonna go," you babble.

You try to rush past him with your head ducked, but he ends up calling out to you anyway. "Wait! Are you new here? Or just passing through?" He wonders.

And cursing your luck, you turn back around to answer. "I, uh, I just moved in yesterday."

"Oh. Cool. Welcome to Beacon Hills. I guess I'll see you around."

"I guess you will," you say, fighting off a smile.

You turn to rush to your car then, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from smiling too wide. Two days in and you can already feel a ridiculous crush brewing on Beacon Hills' resident deputy.


The next time you run into Deputy Parrish is when your car breaks down and Deputy Parrish is apparently off the clock.

In uniform, Deputy Parrish was insanely good looking, but out of it? You immediately know you're completely fucked. Because as you're desperately trying to change the tire on your car, a dark SUV pulls up behind you and out steps Parrish in boots, dark washed jeans, a light blue v-neck underneath a black leather jacket.

You groan at the fact Parrish has found you sweaty and irritable, and lean back on your haunches while letting the lug wrench fall with a clatter. "Deputy," you greet tiredly. "Fancy meeting you here."

He blinks in surprise before recognition flashes in his eyes. "Oh, it's you! Diner girl," he chuckles.

"Close," you tease, lips faintly twitching. "Y/N," you then introduce yourself, wiping your hands off on your jeans. "My name is Y/N."

"Then call me Jordan," he replies. "I'm not in uniform so there's no need to be so formal." You finally offer him a genuine smile, a smile which he returns fully before looking at the problem at hand. "Need some help?"

"Please?" You sigh. "These damn lug nuts are too tight. I'm strong, but apparently not strong enough."

"Sure. Scoot on over."

Jordan strips out of his jacket, tossing it atop the trunk of your car before kneeling next to you. He readily picks up the lug wrench and gets to work, he putting some effort into loosening the lug nuts that were giving you problems. And all too quickly, the blown tire is replaced with the spare.

"Oh my god, you're a life savior! This would have taken me forever and it's so hot out!" You thank him while simultaneously complaining about the California heat.

"It's no problem whatsoever. It was my pleasure." You and Jordan toss everything back into your trunk, you offering him wet napkins to clean up some. "So how are you liking Beacon Hills?" He asks.

"Uh, it's good. Still settling in," you tell him. "It's quiet living on my own. I'm not used to it."

"Ahh. Finally flown the coop?"

Your grin faintly falters. "Something like that." He looks as if he's still waiting for more of an answer, so you nervously chuckle. "I, uh, I finally found the opportunity to leave a bad situation."


"Don't give me that look," you say, gesturing to his face and the warring emotions you can easily read. You heave a sigh, chuckling again. "So not to beat around the bush, I actually moved to Beacon Hills for a reason."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I've heard stories about this place, about the people here and-"

Jordan tenses instantly. "You're a hunter." It's not a question and the sudden coldness of his voice startles you.

"No. Not a hunter," you immediately reply. "Just a plain squishy human looking for sanctuary from a volatile ex-boyfriend and his equally volatile alpha." And just like that, the growing tension vanishes and Jordan takes on a shocked expression. "I was just hoping to become a local and immerse myself enough into the town that should my past come back to haunt me, a few supernatural individuals would give me a hand."

Jordan blinks owlishly at you for a few moments before laughing softly. Confused, you let him get it out of his system. "This makes things so much more easier now."

"Excuse me?"

He shrugs. "Thought you were cute when you nearly splashed your milkshake all over me. I wanted to ask you out to lunch, but I never saw you again until today." Your mouth drops open in shock, but Jordan keeps on going. "But even then, I kept telling myself what a bad idea it would be because as one of those supernatural individuals I didn't know where you would stand on the supernatural front."

"Y-You? You're a-" Jordan's eyes flash orange and you snort, grinning. "Orange. I've never seen that color before."

"Not a werewolf. Hellhound."

Your mouth drops open in shock again. "Holy shit."

"And since I actually enjoy your company, even though we've only met twice now, I can offer you assistance should your past come wreaking havoc."

"That.. sound amazing." Tension drains from your shoulders, your whole upper body drooping with relief. Standing around doing nothing and staring at each other, you uncomfortably chuckle. "So lunch? I think I have time for lunch. After I clean up, of course."

Joran practically beams and your stomach swoops at his undivided attention.

You're so screwed. So. Very. Screwed.

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