13RW [Jeff X Reader]

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Anonymous said: can you do a jeff imagine (your dating) where it's a rainy day and they stay inside watching movies together?


Anonymous said: Would you write one where you assumed that since Jeff's a super popular jock that he would expect sex and he admits to you that he doesn't think he's ready and would prefer to wait until marriage and it ends with cuddles?


With both your parents away on a business trip for the week, you had made plans with your boyfriend Jeff for the entire weekend. But that morning as you woke up, you noticed the house was colder than usual and that your room was gray and gloomy rather than bright and sunny.

The weather apparently wasn't going to cooperate with what you and Jeff had planned, and by the time you had finished with your morning shower there was a nice steady downpour of rain happening outside.

"Well shit," you sigh. Checking the weather channel proves to only disappoint your further, the rain showers only turning into thunderstorms over the next couple of days. "So much for our plans."

Listening to the rain only makes you sleepy and knowing that you and Jeff aren't going to get anything done, you decide to change into a clean pair of pajamas. Grabbing up your phone, you pull up your text messages and shoot off a quick text to Jeff.

Rain ruins evrything! Rain check for this wknd?

Sry, babe. I kno u were looking 4ward 2 the amusement park. Wanna do anything else?

You can't help but smile down at your phone. Jeff really was perfect.

Just gonna stay home and get cozy. Haven't had a movie marathon in a while.

I'll b there as soon as I can!

You don't bother texting back and instead choose to rearrange furniture in the living room. Pushing everything aside and then pushing the couch back, you clear enough space to drag the guest room's mattress into the living room. Settling it down in front of the couch you then gather as many blankets and pillows, and make the perfect lazy day nest across from the TV.


A little less than two hours later, the doorbell is ringing and you pull open the front door to find Jeff shaking off water from his hoodie. A duffel bag hangs from one shoulder and there's a plastic supermarket bag hanging from his right hand. "I got snacks and your favorite movies," he beams. "Gonna let me in, Princess?"

"Always." You open the door wider with a fond smile to let him in. He sets down both bags at his feet, pulls the rain-soaked hoodie from over his head to hang on the coat rack and then quickly swoops in for a quick kiss. You chuckle against his lips, pecking him twice more before pulling back and scooping up the bag of goodies from the floor. "So what are we watching? And what's with the duffel?"

"I checked the weather channel before coming over," he confesses as he follows you into the living room after having kicked off his shoes, "and I saw the thunderstorms they're predicting starting tonight. So knowing about your little fear, I packed a bag and decided to spend the night so you're not scared."

Heart swelling with love and affection, you whirl around and shout, "My hero!", before flinging yourself at Jeff. You're both laughing as he catches you and you press a sloppy kiss to his cheek. "Seriously, though," you murmur as you calm down, "you're the best. I like rain, but not the lightning."

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