13RW [Tony X sibling!Reader]

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Anonymous said: Hi can you please write a fic where you're Tonys older sister & people at school are bothering you so he comforts you & you can come up with the rest okay sorry if that didnt make sense

As an older sibling whose baby brother attends the same high school as you, you expected to have it made easier. You're a Senior and Tony's a Junior, yet somehow Tony is the more outgoing and has more friends. It's Tony who can talk to anyone without becoming a stuttering fool and it's Tony who doesn't have to deal with teasing remarks from your fellow peers.

But just because Tony can do all these things with ease, it doesn't make you love him any less. In fact, you quite adore your brother and wish more people knew that you two were related so that they'd leave you alone.

"Pst. Y/N. Hey."

You ignore the murmur, knowing full well that there are only two people besides your brother (Clay and Hannah) who willingly talk to you. But the murmur only gets louder and more persistent.

"Y/N. Hey. Look at me. Y/N!"

"What?!" You finally snap, glaring when the librarian shushes you. You don't bother apologizing to her because your attention is focused on the snickering jocks. Monty, Justin and Bryce sit at the next table over, all grinning at your expense.

"What are you doing tonight?" Monty asks.

"Working," you deadpan.

"Really? Would you still be working if I said I wanted to take you out?"

Rolling your eyes, you say. "Yep. Actually, I think I'm working a double tonight. Find your weekend entertainment elsewhere, Cruz."

As you go back to your math work, from the corner of your eye you can see the jocks start gathering their things. You're trying to pay attention to what's in front of you as the guys get ready to leave, but Monty's parting words really hit you where it hurts.

"I asked her out, dick, and she refused. I still win the bet, right?"

"Yeah," Bryce laughs. "You win."

The three of them aren't your favorite people, so his words shouldn't be all that hurtful, but they are. Your chest aches and your stomach sinks, and tears sting your eyes. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Hey, sis. What's wrong?"

You glance up to see Tony taking a seat across from you, and you sniff once before quickly wiping at your eyes. "Nothing."

"You're a shit liar, Y/N, and your eyes are red. What happened?"

Remaining silent, you pray that Tony will just let it go, but the way he's staring at you says otherwise. "Just.. boys being boys," you say, sighing. "Let it go."

But Tony being Tony, he tenses and looks at you in concern. "Which boys?"

You scoff. "Who do you think? It's always the same ones."

"Montgomery," Tony realizes with a sneer. "I'll kick his ass."

As he moves to stand up, you shake your head. "Don't. It's- it's done and over with. Liberty High isn't like our side of town, T. You get into a fight here and the cops will be called. They're not like us."


"No buts." He deflates in his seat, giving you a chance to relax as well. "I should be used to it by now and besides, I'm the older sibling. You don't have to protect me."

"Like hell I don't."

"Tones," you weakly grin. "I'm a big girl. I can handle my feelings being hurt."

"Doesn't mean you have to."

You shake your head in amusement, staring fondly at your baby brother. "There's just no winning with you." He finally cracks a smile and you say, "If you really want to make my day better, I won't say no to driving the Mustang. And ice cream."

He chuckles. "Yeah.. no. Nice try, though."

The bell rings, ending study hall, and you laugh as Tony starts to re-pack his things with a sigh. And even though he refused to let you drive his car, you can't help but feel a little better.

Tony sure knew how to turn things around for you.

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