Marvel [Thor X Reader]

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Imagine being a recruit in training at the new Avenger HQ. Thor drops in for a visit and almost immediately there's an attraction.

Author's Note: All is good in the Marvel 'verse. No one is at each other's throats.

Standing a few feet across from Steve Rogers, skin slick with sweat, the two of you circle one another outside the compound. Training, somehow, managed to be moved outside and you happily obliged your team leader in a sparring match.

"That the best you can do?" Steve teases.

Your lip curls in a snarl and he chuckles in response. "I don't wanna hear any bitchin' if I get a swipe in, Captain."

"Show me what you really got."

Annoyed, you lunge at Steve with your claws extended. You swipe twice, one with each hand at his abdomen, but he manages to evade you. Steve chuckles as he blocks each of your hits and jumps when you attempt to go low and swipe his legs out from underneath him, but he eventually has enough. Because the moment you drop your guard in a fit of aggravation, Steve knocks you on your back and pins you to the ground by your throat.

Panting and growling lowly, Steve's report on your mistakes is halted when a wide beam of light from the sky erupts to your right. Both you and Steve remain rooted in your positions as you watch the rainbow of colors, and a moment later the light is gone and left behind appears to be Thor. You hadn't personally met him yet, but you've heard stories.

Steve releases you to stand up, he then offering you a hand up which you take. Then once on your own two feet, you grumble at Steve's back about all the dirt and grass sticking to your back.

"Captain Rogers!" The Asgardian, who's in some form of Asgardian poncho, booms. "I see you're using this wondrous day to your advantage."

"Hey, Thor." Steve smiles. Both he and Thor grasp forearms in greeting before Steve steps aside to introduce you. "This is Y/N. She's our newest recruit. I'm training with her to keep her in top form."

You scoff and hold a hand out for Thor to shake. "So he says, but really it's just an excuse to kick my ass." Thor's answering smile is really... adorable. "It's really nice to meet you, Prince Thor."

"Aye. You as well, Lady Y/N." As Thor reaches for your hand you're expecting a firm handshake, not for him to gently grasp your hand and turn it to press a kiss to your knuckles.

Instantly your cheeks flame and Steve snorts. You shoot him a glare before softening your gaze on Thor once more. "Please, just Y/N. Lady makes me feel much more important than I actually am."

"Then I am just Thor."

"And as much as I am enjoying just how cute you two apparently are, we must get back to training." You gasp and whirl around on Steve, eyes wide and blush reddening even more. "But before that, Thor, is everything okay? Is this a social visit or is something going on?"

Thor chuckles. "All is well, my friend. Just a regular visit to see how my friends are doing."

"Oh. Okay then."

You squawk when Steve goes on the attack, you taking several steps back before falling to your bum and performing a backwards somersault. Coming to in a crouch, your nostrils flare and you growl. "What.. the fuck!"

"Surprise attack," he muses. "Not all your enemies are going to wait for you to get in a fighting stance."

"Marvelous!" Thor suddenly breathes in awe. "What sort of creature are you?"

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