13RW [Hannah X Reader]

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Imagine you're a wallflower. Everybody looks passed you and doesn't expect anything out of you. But you- you see everything. So when Hannah Baker is being harassed in the hallways of school, enough is enough. Someone's gotta step up, even if it has to be you.

"Why do you always have to be such an asshole?"

The words are out of your mouth before you can even think twice about it, but you don't regret them for a single second. Minding your business has become second nature when roaming the halls of Liberty High, but the bullying and harassment of one student in particular has just gotten way out of hand and you can't keep quiet anymore.

Hannah Baker whirls around, staring at you wide-eyed as you come up to stand by her side. Hugging a binder to your chest, you raise an eyebrow at Bryce Walker and Zach Dempsey as they smile at you as if what you just said was funny as hell. "Well?" You question. "Groping a person without their consent is a major no-no, boys. And the mimicking gestures just makes you a couple of assholes."

"Chill, Y/L/N." Bryce tries to placate you with a charming smile, but you merely sneer in response. "We're only having a little fun."

"Fun?" You scoff. "Fun?!" You then raise your voice as to attract a little attention. You accomplish just that when Bryce and Zach's amusement falters under the heavy stares of the student body. "Does it look like Hannah's having any fun? She practically in tears, you pricks."

"Okay. Okay," Zach mumbles, holding his hands out at his side as a form of surrender. "We're done."

"You better be, Dempsey." A few of the other jocks snicker behind the boys' backs, but you pay them no mind. Instead, your heated stare turns back on Bryce. "See to it that you and your little minions cut the shit out. Now." You seethe. "Because if I see, hell if I hear about you harassing Hannah again, all of you will be reported."

Bryce huffs as he steps forward with a condescending smile, voice lowering. "Who's going to believe a word you or Baker has to say? Her reputation is ruined and from the looks of you, you don't even look like you have a trustworthy bone in your body, Y/N."

You lean back, eyes narrowing before a devious smile slowly stretches across your lips. "Do you really want to test me, Walker? I'm sure it's not too hard to round up a couple of girls who've told you 'no' before, but you elected to just ignore it." His smile drops. "You see, the thing about us girls is that we like to talk. Especially in public bathrooms where anyone hear."

"You're bluffing."

"Try me, asshole. And if I can't get the girls to talk, I'm sure there's photographic evidence somewhere. After all, Liberty High has it's own photojournalist who likes to stick his nose in other people's business." As you say this, you gesture behind Bryce and his friends, and watch as they realize that Tyler is standing just around the corner with his camera in hand.

When Bryce turns back to you, there's a look of temporary defeat and anger in his eyes. "Whatever." As he passes by you he actually shoulder checks you, but you merely laugh it off as he and his little merry band of bullies walk with him.

"You didn't have to do that," you hear. Hannah's staring at you, eyes no longer filled with tears, but her arms are crossed self-consciously over her chest.

"Yeah. I did. The jocks of Liberty High are out of control. Someone had to stand up to them. I'm just sorry it took me so long," you reluctantly apologize. At Hannah's confused frown, you admit, "I, uh, I saw the list. The boys around here are assholes," you then shrug.

"The list," she sighs and then rolls her eyes. "Stupid Alex."

"Yeah. For future reference, learn to fight dirty. If they continue to harass you, hit them in their weak spots. For Bryce and Zach, it's their shiny perfect lives. Threaten that and they'll back off. Hopefully."

Hannah forces a smile. "Yeah. Hopefully." The warning bell rings, startling her. But before you can leave for your class, Hannah catches your gaze. "You didn't have to step in, but I really appreciate it. Thank you." Her smile then turns genuine and you find yourself returning it.

"No problem, Baker. Now get to class."

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