13RW [Monty X Reader]

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Anonymous said: Can you do a monty imagine we're he finds his girlfriend on the list (you can chose what for) and he gets really pissed of at Alex and fights him about it then the reader and monty end up in smut (or whatever your comfortable with ) xxx

Author's Note: I tried to do pre-smut, but it didn't really work out. Sorry!

You're sitting in class when a piece of folded up paper gets tossed onto your desk. Half asleep, you blink blearily at it before Monty gently kicks one of the legs to your chair. And glancing at him, he smirks before gesturing to the piece of paper.

What is it? He mouths since the teacher is too busy droning on and on.

You shrug before fully sitting up, stretching in your seat and then reaching for the paper. Unfolding it, you scoff at what you see. It's someone's lame attempt at a Who's Hot- n -Who's Not, pitting the female population of Liberty High against one another. And not one to give these type of things more than a second glance, you crumble up the piece of paper and walk it over to the trashcan.

Monty raises his eyebrows at you in surprise and you wink at him, letting him know that it was nothing. But then another piece of folded up paper lands on Monty's desk, and the boys who tossed it on his desk are snickering while they cast side glances at you.

Your boyfriend opens the piece of paper, grinning and snickering to himself as he reads the list. But as he gets to the bottom, the smirk is wiped off his face. His grip practically tears the paper in half, his jaw clenches and his gaze darts to the others still snickering who have already read the list. The second the others in class stop laughing, his gaze darts over to you.

"What?" You mutter. "What's wrong?"

"Did you read the list at all?"

You shake your head. "No."

He tosses the crumpled list onto your desk. "Read the very bottom."

Confused, you pick up the piece of paper and your gaze immediately zeros in on the bottom. Best Overall Bod is the last category, but what apparently pissed off your boyfriend is the fact that your name is scribbled beneath it.

Now the snickering and stares make sense, and you shift uncomfortably in your seat. Several text tones go off and the teacher tiredly reprimands everyone to turn them off, but doesn't bother turning around from writing on the dry erase board. There's a sinking feeling in your stomach when everyone's gaze is glued to their phones, chuckling beneath their breath as they share whatever it is they've received.

Your phone goes off next, a text from Jessica with a lot of angry face emojis and as you open the pic attached, you see that the stupid list has gone viral via text message. Monty receives it too and you know he's pissed if the glare he shoots at anyone who turns around to stare at you is any indication.

Monty starts to text furiously, grumbling as he tries to do whatever it is you're doing and you text Jessica back asking if she knew who started the whole thing. And surprisingly, she knows exactly who.

Alex Standall.

Wrinkling your nose in disgust, you get Monty's attention before showing him the texts between you and Jess. And when he realizes who started the whole thing, his angry gaze meets your own. "He's dead."


The second the bell rings, Monty's out of his seat in a hurry and leaving behind all of his belongings.

Double crap.

Everyone freezes at the sight of Monty's escape, glancing at you who's worrying your bottom lip between your teeth. You know that Monty's anger gets the best of him a lot even though it's never directed at you, and you hurriedly gather up both of your belongings. You rush out of the room despite everyone's hushed whispers and follow the too excited students as they point and stare in a certain direction.

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