13RW [Jeff X Reader]

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leonygunawan said: HEY HEY ITS ME AGAIN SURPRISE SURPRISE! ive come back with a genius idea of jeff x reader where jeff inflamed his rotating cuff (i googled this btw) and y/n is so excited to treat him bc y/n have always been the one that got sick or injured and jeff always treats her like y/n is a fucking queen. She would bring his books, drive him to school, feed him(?), dress him or shower him if you feel comfortable writing that part but if you don't just leave that one thank you so much... again for writing!

Author's Note: I incorporated only a few things because with an inflamed rotator cuff he's not totally useless ;)

"So it's just an inflamed rotator cuff? Nothing too serious."

"Yep." Jeff grimaces as he unbuttons an old button down shirt, trying very cautiously to shrug out of it. "I got some anti-inflammatory meds and I'm on six weeks of rest starting today."

He easily shakes out of one sleeve, but barely doing so must cause him a wave of pain. His sudden sharp intake of breath startles you into motion and you hold your hands out to stop him. "Wait, wait, wait. Let me."

He softly chuckles, but stops moving and lets you do the work for him. You peel the shirt off easily, staring at the black contraption the doctor left him in. It's a quarter sleeve bandage that fits snug on his right shoulder with a strap that runs diagonally across his chest and under his left arm. "He said I should ice it every hour for ten minutes or so and if that doesn't work then I'll need to have it massaged. I basically can't do anything with my arm that involves me lifting it."

"You know what that means then, right?" You grin.


"For all the times you waited on me hand and foot when I was sick, I now get to return the favor."

Jeff looks like he wants to argue, but after staring a tad too long and realizing you're actually excited for this.. he sighs. "Sure. That's fine."


The following morning you show up bright and early at Jeff's house. He answers the door with an amused huff, his right arm in a constrictive sling which keeps his arm close to his body and weight off his shoulder.

"Let's go, slowpoke. I'm driving." You beam at him.


"I'm driving," you state slowly, still smiling. "You're hurt and I'm looking out for you. If you really want to heal up by the time baseball season starts, you need to rest your arm."

"You're too good for me, you know that?"

"I'm really not. Now come on." You see his book bag resting by the inside wall and you bend at the knees to reach in and grab it.

"Jeffrey, mijo, who's at the door?" You hear his mother ask.

"It's just me, Mrs. Atkins," you call out. "I'll be driving Jeff to and from school so he doesn't aggravate his shoulder."

His mother rounds the corner, eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiles at you. "Y/N, sweetie, how are you? Have you had breakfast yet?"

"I'm good, Mrs. Atkins, and yes. I've already eaten, but thanks for asking."

"Good. Well then, you two best be going." She turns to Jeff and kisses his cheek, the tips of his ears burning red in embarrassment. "And drive safely." She then leans out the door, cupping your face in hand and pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I'll see you after school."

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