Chapter One

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"Oh, Jenna, can you get the door, please?! I'm not ready just yet!" Jenna's mother Bree shouted from the downstairs bathroom of their home. "Tell him I'll be out in just a moment though!"

With a groan, Jenna placed her phone on the coffee table and rose to her feet before pausing. If he was in a bad mood he could possibly break it. Grabbing it again, she stuffed her cell in the couch cushion before looking at the door. Immediately her heart began racing, her mind screaming that she should just get out of here. But she wanted her mother to be happy. 

Approaching the door, her shaky fingers curled around the knob, pulling the door open. On the porch stood a man, his black hair slicked back, green eyes glinting dangerously. Clothed in a blue dress shirt, black slacks and tie, and black dress shoes, you would have thought he was a perfectly normal person. That's not the case here.

A smirk tugged at the corner of the man's mouth when he saw Jenna standing in the doorway. "Jenna. How nice to see you." He said with a rather convincing smile. 

"Chris." The teen responded, lowering her own silver orbs as to avoid meeting his eyes. Her dark brown hair fell over her face as she did her best to hide the fact she wasn't happy to see him. "My mom's almost ready, she said she'll be out in just a minute. Quick. Won't be long." 

"Oh?" Chris didn't try to hide his smirk as he stepped into the house. "I suppose we have just a little bit of time though, don't we?" 

Shuddering at his words, Jenna took a step back but his arm shot out. Now gripping her shoulder tight enough to leave a bruise, Chris grinned with an evil glint in his eye. "L-Let me go." She whispered, meeting his eyes finally.

"Now listen here you pest." He hissed. "You don't tell me what to do. I'm bigger than you, I'm stronger than you, and one wrong move could land you out and me in. You got that? Your mother sees what I want her to see. And if I want her to see you as a rebellious teen with no respect for your future stepfather, that's exactly what she'll see. So if you want to be here, you better shut up, listen, and- It's so nice to see you too Jenna!" His tone drastically changed from dark and sinister to bright and airy as his arm returned to his side. 

Turning her head, Jenna saw her mother standing in the doorway wearing a cute red knee-length skirt and black top with black heels. She was smiling happily, and that made the teen smile. "Hello, Chris. I'm ready to go." Her heels clicked as she walked over, giving Jenna a quick kiss on the forehead. "You be good tonight, okay? No house parties, no drinking, no letting strangers into the house. You know. No stupid stuff."

"No stupid stuff," Jenna mumbled with a fake smile. She was fighting back tears now. But when the front door closed, she took off up the stairs to her bedroom, slamming the door and collapsed onto her bed as tears freely ran down her face. 

Why did she put up with him? Why doesn't she just show her mother the bruises and maybe she'll break up with Chris? Because she can't bring herself to. She doesn't want to see her mother moping about the house again. Only really leaving to go to work or to get groceries to just come home and mope some more. 

She wanted her mother to be happy. And that was that.


Terrance stopped, sitting up in his tissue and cotton ball bed to listen. He could hear her sobbing. That demon of a man must have hurt her again. 

While Terrance would love nothing more than to go and comfort the human, he didn't know how she would react to him. He didn't know if she would just kill him, or sell him off, or maybe worse. 

Crawling over to the wall, he sat with his back against it, his knees hugged to his chest as he listened to the giantess cry. It wasn't long before it stopped, however. 

Crawling through the tunnel he made in the wall, he checked to see if the vents were on before standing up inside it, quietly walking to the grate with a frown as he made sure his footsteps didn't echo off the metal. 

He put his hands on the metal grate and peeked out, frowning at the sight. The giantess was curled into a ball, asleep on her large bed. That's always how it was. At night she'd cry herself to sleep, and some nights she wouldn't sleep because she was crying so much. It broke Terrance's heart. He knows he's the same age as Jenna. Sixteen. But because of his size,  six inches tall, he's always been terrified to go near her. 

He knew humans were dangerous. And even though he wanted to help her, he has no idea how. 

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