Chapter Four

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A man stood in the grass, kneeling by a river and filling a small container with water. He was trying to be quick, his hands shaking in the process. With fear plain in his eyes, it was obvious that something was wrong. But what?

He rises to his feet and looked around, a shadow slowly falling over him. Stopping dead in his tracks, he very slowly looked over his shoulder as everything went dark. 

Jenna bolted upright in her bed, a loud beep waking her up. Breathing heavily she slammed a hand down on the button and turned the small lamp on her bedside table on. It was early, and she had to begin getting ready for school. But that wasn't what was making her so uneasy, it was that dream. What was that about? 

As she began to wake up more, another thing passed through her mind. Terrance. Immediately she shot out of bed and began to change from her pajamas to her school clothes much faster than she normally would. She really wanted to see him again. To test if it was all just a dream.

Terrance rubbed his eyes groggily as an ear piercing alarm swept through the wall. Well, it would have been had he not been inside the wall. It muffled the alarm just enough that it wasn't going to hurt his ears. This was the usual thing, except on weekends when Jenna slept in. His blue eyes snapped open. Jenna!

He got to his feet quickly, looking at his clothes and straightening them out. He then used his fingers to comb out his hair and make the silver strands look just a little better than they did. 

Waiting just a few more minutes, Terrance hummed quietly. He didn't want to barge in on her changing. That would completely mess things up. He wanted her to trust him, but he also wanted to trust her. He was nervous, his heart was racing in his chest. She was still a human after all.

Inhaling deeply, he slowly crawled out from under the bookshelf and looked towards her bed and frowned slightly. She wasn't sitting on her bed, or anywhere over there. He looked all around her room, but there was no sign of Jenna. Did she leave already? Maybe she thought she imagined him. 

His eyes fell to his hands and he closed them. The thought of being forgotten or brushed off was a horrid feeling. He hated it. He's felt it far too many times in his life and he doesn't want it to happen from the one person he thought would maybe care. 

Suddenly, the ground was ripped from beneath him and he let out a startled cry before staring into a pair of giant silver eyes, which were filled with worry. "Terrance?" Jenna murmured softly.

Relief washed over him and he looked up to see her holding him by the back of his shirt. "Jenna." He looked back to her eyes, able to see his own reflection in them before smiling at her. "You...didn't forget about me. I-I'm sorry to say I doubted you there for a moment."

"Of course I didn't forget you!" She giggled, lowering him into her open palm. "I'm sorry about just snatching you up like that. You looked rather sad from my doorway, and I don't want you to be upset. I also thought you might have been hurt." She brought him close to herself. "I don't want you to be. I know we only just met, but I want to make sure you stay safe. Everything could be dangerous to you."

A slightly warm feeling coursed through his body at her kind words, and a smile found its way to his face. "Thank you, Jenna. That's very kind of you. I hope you have a decent day at school, I know you can have some rough days. You get off the bus crying quite a bit." Terrance moved his eyes back up to meet hers again. He loved the color, they were gorgeous. Eyes like the sea after a storm. 

Jenna tensed hearing him before looking away. He's seen that? Why would he be watching her that much? It worried her a little bit, but she just closed her eyes and sighed quietly. "Yeah, thanks. And I know I do, but people in high school are just so mean sometimes. I swear one of these days someone is going to punched in the dick." 

Terrance laughed lightly, placing a hand on her finger to steady himself in her palm. "Well, if they continue to bother you, that's what you have to do. Make them know you won't take that from them."

Shaking her head a bit, she lowered her eyes to her feet. "Nah, I'd never be able to actually do it. I'd like to, but I can't." Looking back to her clock, Jenna let out a long, annoyed sigh. "Have fun while I'm gone today. Feel free to wander the house, my mom works until a little after I get home. Then," She stopped talking, overacting a shudder before continuing her sentence, "Chris is coming over."

Simply nodding, Terrance watched as Jenna's hand lowered him to the floor and allowed him to hop off before she began walking to her door. What would take him minutes to get to if he ran, took her mere seconds. "Jenna?!" He called out, running over and standing at her feet. 

She stopped, looking down at the floor to him. "Yes, Terrance?" She smiled with a quiet laugh, amused at him being out of breath.

"Th-Thank you, for being so nice to me. I hope you have a great day." He looked up at her with a genuine smile, blue eyes sparkling happily.

With another light laugh, Jenna knelt down and gently used a finger to poke him playfully. "It's no trouble at all. And you have a good day too." She smiled warmly, rising back to her feet and left her bedroom.

Terrance listened. He listened to her footsteps departing. He listened to her hum as she walked down the steps, to the front door opening and closing, all the way up to the school bus honking it's horn and picking her up for the day.

All the while he was smiling. Trusting her is easier than being scared. 

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