Chapter Seven

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Terrance screamed in pain as he felt the man's hand impact him from behind. Falling to the floor, he curled into a ball and did the best he could to protect himself. As tears ran down his face he could hear the man laughing deeply from above him.

Another sharp impact sent him flying into the wall. As he hit, he let out another weak cry of pain. How he wasn't dead he'd never know. But if this was the life he was going to be forced to live with humans, death sounded far better. Slowly his eyes began to close, but hey snapped open when he saw the shadow of a large hand falling over him.

"You know you couldn't take it, so why did you run?" He hissed, his large fingers curling tightly around the Mini's broken body. "You really are just a stupid little brat aren't you?"

"M-Master, please. I-I'm sorry." Terrance whispered in fear as he turned his big blue eyes to look into the man's own evil ones. 

"That won't work this time." The man mumbled darkly as he carried him towards the front door. "I took you in, gave you shelter and food, and you try to repay me by running away?! If you want to get away that badly, then fine!" He swung the door open and tossed the Mini out into the grass before slamming it shut.

Terrance began to cry, taking this chance to look over his arms and legs. Dark purple bruises nearly covering him, cuts and scars all over his arms and legs as well. 

Wrapping his arms around his legs, he pressed his back into the side of the house and hid in the grass. He needed to find a new home, to find somewhere safe.

Terrance shook his head and let out a frustrated cry as he tried to force the memory away. "No, no no!" He shouted, gripping his hair and tugging at the grayish strands. "Just go away! Go!" He had only been nine years old at that time, but the vision was still clear as day whenever it found it's way to the surface of his mind.

"Terrance?" He heard a soft voice call for him near the bookcase. It wasn't Jenna's, most likely her friend. "I'm sorry if I scared you. But Jenna's really upset now, she thinks she did something wrong. Please come out." 

He couldn't hurt Jenna. Not after she was kind to him. He doesn't want to lose his only friend in this large, frightening world. Ever so slowly, he rose to his feet and hesitantly made his way out from under the bookshelf, looking up at the blond haired, brown eyed human. "W-Where is she?" He asked timidly, flinching when the human brought her arm around and laid her hand beside him. 

"In the bathroom. Climb on. I don't want to just grab you and maybe scare you." Cassandra looked down at the man, tilting her head to the side. He really was small, and she truly didn't want him to be afraid of her, or Jenna.

Almost snaillike, he crawled into her palm and watched her with fear in his eyes the whole time. "Just take me to Jenna." He whispered, looking away from Cass. 

Cassandra looked down at him for a moment before carefully carrying him to the bathroom before lightly knocking on the door. "Jen...? I got someone here that wants to talk to you." She mumbled, listening to the quiet sniffles coming from the other side of the door.

After a minute the door slowly opened, revealing a red, puffy eyed Jenna who looked at Terrance. "I-I'm sorry if I scared you." She whispered, gently taking the Mini from her friend. "You don't hate me now...right? I'd hate to lose a friend."

"No, I don't hate you," Terrance mumbled, keeping his eyes locked on his hands even when he was pressed into her body as a sort of hug he guessed. She was warm and soft. He leaned into her as his eyes slowly closed. It was comforting being held by someone he knew he was safe with. "M-My memories are just keeping me paranoid. No matter how much I try to forget, they always seem to come back."

"Oh, Terrance," Jenna whispered, her voice muffled by the cloth of her shirt and her skin that were around him. "I'm sure everything will be just fine. Besides, I never plan to-" She stopped when a male voice boomed from downstairs. 

"Oh, Jenna?! Are you talking to yourself?!" Chris shouted from the bottom of the steps and a shiver ran down Jenna's spine. Thinking quickly, she shoved Terrance down into the front pocket of her jeans just in time to see the green eyed man take the last step up. 

Suddenly constricted, Terrance tried to wiggle around to get himself more comfortable. His one leg was straight up, the other bent in an odd way, his arms crossed over each other as he faced up towards the top of the pocket. He then began to listen as he heard Chris, Cassandra, and Jenna talking. 

"I wasn't talking to myself, Cass is over." He heard Jenna mumble and felt a pressure on him from the outside of the pocket which he only could assume was her hand.

"Yeah, I'm here!" Cass murmured, a grin plain in her voice. Even if it wasn't on her face it was obvious she was because Chris wouldn't do anything while someone else was around. Terrance knew this.

"Oh. Well, then I hope you two girls have fun. And keep it down, okay? Your mother is resting, she had a terribly rough day." Chris said with a sickeningly sweet voice before a set of footsteps departed. 

He began to feel himself moving back and forth. Jenna must be walking now. Did she forget about him? Is that why she hadn't taken him out of this horribly uncomfortable position? Closing his blue eyes, he just waited which is why he was startled when two fingers gripped his shirt, pulling him out into the blinding light. 

As he regained his vision, he felt like he was falling until something soft caught him. Blinking the blurriness away he was able to see he was now laying on his back on a pillow, Jenna's face a few meters away from him.

She was just there. A sudden feeling washed over him as he stared into her giant eyes. He could see his own confused expression on his face from his reflection in her silver orbs. The feeling continued to grow until he was moving on his own. His mind was somewhere else, but his body seemed to know exactly what it was doing as he reached out, placed both hands on her bottom lip and kissed the soft skin.

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