Chapter Thirteen

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It's already been a week since she found out her father was still alive, but there has been absolutely no sign of him and Jenna was starting to worry. Sure he could just be further than her mother thought, but she knew her dad. If he said something he always stuck to it. 

Staring out her bedroom window, Jenna bit her nails in frustration and worry. All they could do was hope they'd find him. 

Her eyelids drooped from exhaustion, but she snapped them back open and gave her head a quick shake. 

"Jenna?" A soft voice called out, and she turned to see Terrance standing just behind her. He had the same worry in his eyes, only for her. "You really should lay down and try to sleep. You haven't slept in two days." 

"Thank you for worrying, you're a good friend. But I have to find him. It'll kill me if we don't." Kneeling down, Jenna used a hand to lift him up onto the windowsill. "Just knowing he could be right out there, waiting...i-it's an encouraging thought, even if we haven't found anything that could tell us where he is." Leaning in, Jenna kissed the top of the Mini's head.

Terrance returned the kiss, only on the tip of her index finger. "Jenna, your mom and I are both worried about you. We know you want to find him, but making yourself sick won't do any good."

"Terrance please." She whispered, meeting his blue orbs with her silver ones. "You don't know how many emotions are taking place. Panic, fear, worry. But then there's hope there too. Let me do this." Crouching down to be eye level with him, she stared until he finally nodded.

Her eyes. He knew there was no way he was getting through to her. So with a simple nod, Terrance watched as she left the room. 

With a quiet sigh, he turned to the window only to stop. Outside a black sedan was parked in the driveway, and he could see Chris getting out with a black bag. Panic shot through his limbs and he seemed to move on his own. 

He climbed down the wall nearly as fast as he could, dashing across the floor. His heart pounding in his chest, he turned the corner to the stairs and tried to get them. 

Making it onto the first step, the door swung open and he stopped moving. Pressing his back into the wall, he peered down and the panic only grew when he saw what rested in Chris's hand. He had a loaded gun, his green eyes filled with hatred now. A look that could kill. "Carla!" He shouted, Terrance having to cover his ears from the loud voice.

Carla, Jenna's mother walked into the room before freezing in place, eyes locked on the gun in her ex's hand. "Ch-Chris. Put the pistol down and w-we can talk." She requested calmly, though her insides were churning like butter. 

"Get your kid out here, now. I want to take care of you both." He spat with a venom pure in his tone. A terrible hate filled voice.

Nearly as if on cue, Jenna walked into the room and looked at Chris, though instead of fear in her own silver eyes, there was a hate just a strong. "Get out of my house, and leave my mother alone." She hissed angrily, eyes narrowing. She doesn't care he has a gun, she just wants him out of their lives for good.

"You certainly seemed to work up a lot of courage since we last saw each other." Chris snapped right back, aiming the gun right between her eyes. "Take a seat on the floor. Along with your mother. Is anyone else here?"

Jenna's eyes wandered swiftly around the room, landing on Terrance who was peering at her from the stairs. She darted her eyes back to Chris and shook her head. "You know we live here by ourselves." She answered calmly.

Chris arched a brow and turned his gaze to Terrance before a laugh pushed past his lips. "Now, what have we here?"

Her eyes widened in panic at the realization her gaze lingered too long on the Mini and she looked back to him. "Come here Terrance, quickly."

She didn't have to tell him twice, and Terrance took off across the floor as fast as his legs could carry him. He watched as Chris moved fast out of the corner of his eye, but he found himself speedily lifted off the floor and pressed into Jenna's body protectively. 

"Keep your filthy hands off my boyfriend, got it?" She mumbled to Chris with a growl in her tone. 

"Boyfriend?" He snickered, looking at the small man trembling against Jenna. "Aren't they supposed to protect you? I doubt he'd be able to. Especially from this." He raised his gun once again.

Jenna's mother and Terrance's eyes both widened as the gun aimed at Jenna, and a shot was fired.

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