Chapter Eight

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It had all happened so fast Jenna didn't even have time to react when the Mini's lips touched her own bottom one. Several feelings ran through her body. Confusion, shock, and one she'd never felt before. Just as she opened her mouth to speak, she watched Terrance push away from her in a panicked state. 

"O-Oh, damn it. J-Jenna, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to, it just happened on its own I swear! I was just so overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude of how much you've done in just a short amount a time that my body showed you it's own way of thanking you! P-Please, don't hurt me, I really, truly am sorry!" He pleaded, his body shaking like a leaf as he backed away from her.

Seeing him back away, Jenna's hand reached out and cupped around him from behind. "Hush now. Don't be so scared. It's okay. Being grateful is a normal thing, besides, it was just a little kiss. It didn't mean anything." Curling her fingers around him, she lifted him off the pillow and smiled comfortingly. She didn't like seeing him this scared. Sure she was confused but also hurt that he'd get this way after one little thing. 

"I-I'm sorry," Terrance whispered again as he buried his face in his hands then pushed one through the gray strands of his hair. "S-So many things have happened to me because of a little mistake like that. My master-" he stopped himself before he could continue. He had already said too much, but now he knew that Jenna and Cassandra both would be curious. 

"Master?" Jenna whispered with a frown, placing the Mini back on her pillow. "What do you mean Terrance? You had a master before you met me?" She tilted her head to the side, watching him shift uncomfortably. She didn't want to cause him discomfort, but she wanted to know.

His hands began to shake uncontrollably as memories rushed into the front of his head. Visions of that man. Blood. Pain. His hands gripped his hair as he let out a cry that sounded so hurt, so pain filled. 

His reaction shocked Jenna and she reached a hand out, placing a finger on his shoulder only to frown when Terrance pushed it away and stared at her with fear in his eyes. "N-No more. Please. D-Don't make me. D-Don't like it." He whimpered, sentences short and quiet.

"Okay. Alright, I won't. It's okay Terrance. Really. I'm sorry." She brought him close to her, holding the Mini against her chest. She knew the way she was holding him was a little...wrong, but it was the only thing Jenna could think of that quickly to try and comfort him. "You don't have to worry about that man anymore. I would never hurt you, and if I ever did I'd never forgive myself." Keeping her voice low, she used her finger to rub is back until his sobs quieted just a bit more.

Terrance just leaned into her warm body, letting the tears run freely as he felt the human rubbing his back. He sobbed into her shirt as he worked on rebuilding the wall the kept those memories in the back of his head. He hated them. He hated remembering. 

It felt like hours before he was able to stop the tears. He used his arm to wipe his blue eyes before looking up towards Jenna. "I-I'm sorry. I suppose I'm acting like a little kid now." He looked down at his hands. "I-I just...hate it..."

"Oh, calm down. I'm not forcing you to say anything. And you really need to take a few deep breaths. I can't have you upsetting yourself over something that's in the past. Over something that will never, ever happen again as long as you trust me. Okay?" Jenna murmured softly as she continued stroking the Mini's back with a finger.

"A-Alright Jenna. A-And I apologize to you as well Cassandra." Terrance whispered as he glanced up at the blond. "I overreacted I guess. Sometimes I just get overwhelmed and fall apart. I wish I didn't, but it happens a lot more than it should."

"Nah, don't worry about it shorty." Cass said with a smile as she gently poked him. "I can sorta understand it. I mean, you're barely the size of my hand. And two 'giants' around must really be scary. I wouldn't ever be able to handle it. So you're a lot braver than me." 

Jenna smiled as her two friends talked and lowered Terrance to her bed before a sinking feeling swelled in her heart. "Excuse me." She mumbled and stood, fleeing the room. 

She closed her door behind her, standing outside it as her heart continued to feel heavy. Something really didn't feel right. She couldn't place it. It felt like someone she cared about was in trouble, but her mom's at work, her friends are here, there isn't anyone else that she can place. 

She quickly pulled her cell phone out of hr pocket, calling her mom's office. Panic shot through her when it took someone a while to answer, but then relief washed over the panic when she heard her mom's voice on the other end.

"Jenna? Sweetie, what's wrong? You never call me at work." Her mother said with a cheerful, yet worried tone. 

"Nothing mom. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I had...another one of those nightmares." She lied, knowing though that her mom would understand.

"Oh, Jenna...I'm sorry. I'm just fine, okay? You don't have to worry. I'll be home shortly to make you some dinner too. Just try and relax. Take your meds, and then we'll talk when I get home. I love you, baby, stay safe."

Closing her silver eyes, Jenna smiled as she inhaled deeply. "I love you too mom...I'll see you later." She clicked and hung up, but the feeling remained. She did her best to ignore it as she made her way down the steps, peeking around the living room before hurrying to the kitchen to get her and Cass and glass of water. Even a bit for Terrance if he'd like. 

A strong, harsh hand gripped her shoulder and her whole body stiffened as she looked over her shoulder at Chris. "Oh, hello. Um, I'm just getting Cass and I cup of water. If I don't get back soon she'll make her way downstairs." She turned back away and pulled a glass out of the cupboard, flinching when Chris knocked it out of her hands and caused it to shatter across the floor, sending shards everywhere.

"You better clean that up, you clumsy oaf." He hissed in her ear and left the room, Jenna closing her eyes tight as she knelt down tp clean up the glass. 

"Just...ffffffudge you." She mumbled, stopping herself from cursing once she began to pick up the glass. She really hates that guy.

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