Chapter Nine

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Cassandra shot to her feet from the bed with a frown. "I'm going downstairs to make sure she's okay. I bet Chris got her." She spat bitterly, her dark brown eyes burning with hatred for the man. 

"Cass?" Terrance spoke her name timidly, looking up at the human with a disapproving frown. "I'm just as worried as you are, but wouldn't it be best to wait here? What if Chris just hurts her later?" He muttered out as he rubbed his arm nervously. 

"Well, I-" Cassandra stopped as she ran the Mini's statement through her head. It's possible that Chris would just hurt Jenna worse when no one was around if she prevented it now. But what kind of friend would she be if she didn't help? "Look Terrance. I know you want to be noble and all, but I can't let that...that monster hurt her!" The blond turned and yanked open the bedroom door only to see Jenna standing there with a red stained rag pressed into her palm. "Jenna!" She exclaimed worriedly.

Jenna only smiled meekly at her friend as she stepped into her room. "I'm okay. I just cut my hand on a piece of glass is all." She uttered before looking uneasily at the floor. 

"How'd you do that?" Terrance questioned as he progressed to the edge of the bed to get closer to the giantess. "Chris didn't do it to you did he?!" He nearly shouted, appalled at the thought of that man using a glass shard to injure her.

With her silver eyes widening at the exclamation, Jenna looked downward at the Mini boy with a soft, comforting smile. "No, I'm okay Terrance." She spoke gently as she carefully took a seat on the mattress near him. "But I'm so lucky to have two wonderful friends like you."

She meant it. Before Cassandra came along, Jenna contemplated suicide often. But she knew how depressed her mother would become, and knew that no matter what pain Jenna was going through if she were to die her own mother would feel thousands of times worse than she ever would.

Terrance moved closer to the teen before he hesitantly climbed up into her lap. "W-Well I'm lucky that you're s-so kind to me. There have been so many others that...weren't." He lowered his head as his silver hair began to fall into his face.

"Don't think about them anymore." Jenna brought her hand down, gently placing a finger on the Mini's shoulder. "You are with me now. I'm not going to hurt you, at least not on purpose. You're my friend, and I'm going to do everything I can to take care of you and make sure you're safe."

With a simple nod, Terrance found himself snuggling into the warmth she was emitting, curling into a ball against her stomach. Though he was slightly embarrassed at what he was doing, he didn't want to move. He enjoyed being close to her. It made him

Cassandra watched the two with a grin. She knows there is some sort of spark between them, but they just don't see it yet. She's happy for Jenna for finding someone who cares about her this way. But also she felt a tad bit jealous. Cass also wants a boyfriend, but she also wants to make sure whoever she dates understands. Doesn't anyone?

Jenna inhaled deeply before looking around her bedroom as her mind wandered. "I want my mom to meet Terrance." She uttered, unaware she did out loud until a slight nudge made her look down at the Mini in her lap.

"If you want me to, I will." He forced out. In all honesty, he didn;t want to. The thought of meeting a human who could make Jenna get rid of him was terrifying. What if her mom didn't like him? What if she made him leave?

"You won't have to be scared." She murmured, hugging him close to herself gently. "I won't let her hurt you, even if she tried. Which would actually be impossible because she's very nice."

Still sporting an uneasy feeling, he simply nodded and curled further into her stomach. "O-Okay Jenna. I-I can try not to worry, but I can't make any promises." He mumbled quietly as he closed his blue eyes.

With a small laugh, Jenna placed a hand gently over the Mini and smiled down at him. "I know. You don't have to make any." 

Cassandra, Jenna, and Terrance all sat in complete silence, listening to the rain as it began to beat on the glass of the window. None of them spoke. None of them moved. They all were just relaxing, letting the stress of the day wash away while the friends sat together, each one feeling content. 

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