Chapter Two

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He couldn't believe he was doing this. He was actually climbing up onto this giantess's bed! Using the blankets as a rope, he gripped handful after handful of the soft fabric, pulling himself up higher and higher off of the floor. If he lost his grip now, he'd surely fall to his death. 

It didn't take him too long to reach the surface, considering he's been climbing to get around more than half his life. Now he was standing face to face with a sleeping human. Although, she was a rather pretty one. Dark brown hair draping over her face and shoulders, a thin sheet lying over her thin body. 

Tear tracks were still on her cheeks. While he wanted to maybe reach out and wipe them away, he couldn't. He can't wake her up, he can't get caught by her! So why did he climb up on the bed? In all honesty, he didn't know himself. 

Just as Terrance was getting ready to move before the human woke up, a sudden movement made him stop dead in his tracks. Not daring to look over his shoulder as he was frozen in fear.

Jenna hadn't even realized she'd fallen asleep. It was often she'd cry herself to sleep though. With a quiet yawn, she rolled onto her side and slowly opened her silver eyes before gasping. Through the corner of her eye, she spotted movement. 

She instantly swung her hand, making contact with whatever the big bug or vermin was before shooting into a sitting position, looking down at it with her hand raised again before her eyes widened in shock. 

It looked to be some sort of tiny being, male no doubt. Lying on its stomach, she couldn't see its face but it looked to be breathing. She didn't kill it at least, but it seemed unconscious. 

Rising from her bed, she grabbed an empty water glass from her nightstand and gently curled her fingers around the small being, placing it on her desk and turning the glass upside down on top of it. 

So many questions were going through her mind. What was this thing? And if it is just a tiny man, what the blazes is it doing in her bedroom? Was it just a little pervert? Has it spied on her? Jenna shuddered at the thought as she examined what she could see of it curiously. 

It had silver or grayish hair, and it looked to be dressed in scraps of cloth turned into a shirt and pants. The visible 'skin' had dirt on it, parts of the 'arms' more than others. 

Just as she was about to turn away, it made a soft noise, muffled by the glass and began to move.

Terrance didn't know what happened. One moment he was standing there, the next a sharp impact made him fall onto his stomach and black out. His back was stinging horribly, as well as some parts of his legs. 

Bringing an arm up, he used it to push himself on his back only to find himself staring up into a pair of giant silver eyes. His heart began to pound as he bolted to his feet, ignoring the pain. He opened his mouth to speak, or maybe plead with her, but all that came out was a small squeak of fear. 

He then realized he was in some sort of glass prison. Placing his hands on the sides of the cool wall, he knows there's no way to escape.

Watching the being, Jenna was a little surprised when it reacted the way it did. It's little blue eyes got all wide, and it looked downright terrified. Then it looked like it was about to say something but only squealed. Maybe it can't talk? 

"What are you?" She asked it as she took a seat at her desk, her eyes examining him still. 

It took him a moment to realize he was being addressed by her. To tell the truth he barely even heard her question fro his heart pounding in his ears. Not wishing to squeak again, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before opening his mouth again. "I'm a Mini. M-My name is T-Terrance." 

Watching the human, he saw her silver orbs widen in surprise as he spoke. Suddenly, the glass he was leaning on was lifted and he almost fell over, only to be steadied by a giant finger. "C...Careful there little fella. A Mini? What the fudge is a Mini? A-And why do you look human? Why were you in my room too?!" 

"O-Oh! I-I wasn't spying if that's what you think! I-I know it must seem that way, and you have n-no call to believe me, but it's the truth, I swear!" His eyes darted up to meet hers as he backed away from her hand. The last thing he needed was for her to think of him as a pervert right away. Although, he did have the slightest temptation to watch her before, but he stopped himself, really!

She could almost laugh at how panicky the little man started acting at the small accusation. But he seemed honest. And she could really use the company honestly. "Alright. I'll believe you. Under one condition: You stay with me, and be my pet." 

"P-Pet?" Terrance blinked. "W-What do you mean 'pet?' W-What would you have me do?" He looked up at her, a frown forming on his lips.

"You just have to keep me company and listen. Don't worry." Jenna reached down, gently curling her fingers around him and lifting him up to be eye level with her. "Terrance, was it? Welcome. I'm glad you decided to show yourself."

Completely uncertain what to say, the Mini only nodded and had to wait to see what exactly was in store for him.

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