Chapter Eleven

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"I-I don't think I understand." Terrance managed to squeeze out after sitting there in shock for a few seconds. 

"I took him in quite the same way Jenna took you in." She began quietly, lowering her eyes to the floor. "We fell in love, but we knew we could never have children or a proper wedding. So I did at least a years worth of research to perfect a special mixture that would help him take the form of a normal human. I didn't think it would work, I thought maybe I was just giving us both false hope."

"But it worked," Terrance whispered, placing a tiny hand gently on hers. "But then, why did you let him leave ma'am?" It made sense now. Why he thought the man in the photo's looked familiar. 

"The mixture wore off. It took me a year to perfect the one, and I didn't want Jenna to know. I figured she'd hate me for lying to her all those years. So him and I both thought it would be best if I let him leave and for Jenna to think he's dead." She raised her hands to her face, forcing herself not to cry. "A-And now if she finds out the truth, sh-she really will hate me."

"She wouldn't. She'll be upset, but she'll be glad you told her. And I don't think it's a good idea to keep this a secret. If she finds out you told me, a complete stranger, and not her, your own'll only make it worse." He rose to his feet with a deep frown, pushing his hair out of his eyes. 

"I-I know you're right Terrance. But I'm just scared. A-And then there's Chris! What if he finds out about you, or that my husband is still alive and out there? I don't want him to hurt you or Arthur the way he hurts Jenna."

" knew abut that? And you haven't done anything?!" Terrance nearly shouted. He felt the pity be replaced with a bubbling anger. "She comes home from school crying because of that!"

"I-I know, I'm so, so sorry. I thought I'd give him another chance but...I can't. I have to break up with him. But if he could hurt Jenna, what could he do to me?" She whispered, her eyes closing tightly.

Once again, Terrance's feelings changed in a snap. Only now from anger to confusion. "You're right. But, maybe there's a way we could fix things? What if you just break up with him over the phone? Sure, it's not a good way but it's a safe way." He suggested softly, the idea of her and Chris breaking up exciting him. Jenna wouldn't have to be so depressed anymore.

"I-I suppose that's a good idea. He went to the store, I better call him before he gets back." She nodded, pulling her cell phone from her pocket and flipped it open. "Jenna makes fun of me for keeping a flip phone but I don't need games." She mumbled before laughing, dialing Chris's number.

After a few short moments, Chris answered. "Hey, baby. I'm getting ready to head on back. Did you miss me that much?" He muttered through the phone with a rather cocky tone.

"Actually, I'm calling to let you know. Don't come back. I know you hurt Jenna. I've known for a while but I was hoping you'd stop. But I was wrong. So if I ever see you near my house again, I will file a restraining order." She replied, keeping her voice calm even though she was shaking like a leaf on the inside. 

It was silent on the other end before he uttered one word. "Fine." He spat bitterly, a soft click echoing from the other end signaling Chris hanging up.

Taking a deep breath in, Jenna's mother smiled and set her phone down on the coffee table. "That's done. Now all that's left is to tell Jenna." 

"Tell me what?" Jenna chimed in, standing in the doorway with two glasses of water. "Is it important?"

"Yes, darling it's terribly important." Her mother whispered, looking down at her hands. "I-I know I told you your father died. But...that was a lie. He's alive, and he's a Mini." She continued to explain about the mixture, why they decided he should go and why she didn't tell her.

Jenna's silver eyes filled with tears as she stared at her mom. Even though she tried to fight them off, the came anyway. It was a feeling of relief and sadness. Knowing her father was out there somewhere all alone, standing at six inches tall was enough to drive her mad. "W-Why didn't you ever tell me?" She whispered, running over and hugged her tightly, sobbing quietly into her mother's shoulder.

"I told you, I didn't want you to hate me." She responded, holding her daughter close and tight. "I broke up with Chris now, a-and I want to find your father. He said he'd stay in the area, so maybe he still is." She suggested hopefully, a small smile gracing her lips as Jenna nodded.

Terrance could only watch with a smile perched on his face. He's promising himself right now that he will do everything he can to make sure this family is put back together.

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