To the Boy With the Hero Complex

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Dear the boy with the hero complex,
I love you.
But I've never spoken to you
That may be foolish,
A stranger pronouncing their love for you,
But you probably get that a lot don't you?
People tend to fall at your feet,
Girls, boys, parents--
You have this power to make anyone fall in love with you,
Even the girl who hates everyone

You see,
I have this problem,
You could say I get angry sometimes,
My therapist claims I have "anger management" issues that stems from my "frustration from not being able to control everything"
But what does she know?
Everyone else thinks I'm just a crazy person who craves total control
Except you.

Of course you were there when I had a panic attack at school
Of course you were the only one who witnessed it
You could have left and swished right past me, not giving me a second glance
But you, the boy everyone loves, rushed to me-- the girl on the ground unable to breath

You grabbed my face in your hands,
Looked into my eyes,
And told me to breathe in and out,
Over and over until I was alive again

It was like second nature for you-- saving me

I was brought back down to normalcy,
A cloud of tears lifted from my eyes and I realized who you were
I refused to look at you again and my mouth became sewn shut
My pride had been damaged,
Ego dead

But you understood
You nodded, guided me on my feet
And said something I'll never forget:
"It's okay to lose control sometimes, you don't have to be ashamed about it. But if you ever feel pissed or panicked from having no control, come to me. I've already seen you at your worst, and I have a feeling I'm the only one you've let get this close"

I nodded, and you disappeared into the night

I guess even I'm a sucker for heroes,
Or, more likely-- boys with hero complexes

But I saw you,
That one day when your eyes were hooded and your eyelashes drooped
And I realized that no one saves the guys with hero complexes
So I guess this is just to say:

Hi, meet your new savior
I've seen you at your worst too,
And I have a feeling I'm the only one you'll let get close
So come to me when you feel like losing control

The girl you once saved, and the girl with the hero complex only for you

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