Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I stood at the tree line of the forest just behind the park. Why would they build a park right next to a scary, seemingly endless forest of darkness!! Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration but my little Ren was in there all alone! He is so small and defencless, anything in there could hurt him! The mere thought of this made my stomach do multiple flip flops.

"This is all your fault, jackass. Now you're ganna help me find him." I growl at Michael. You could see where the tall grass had been pushed down where he had run through. I gulped when I looked into the forest at the spot where his foot prints had disappeared.

"Well then let's go." Michael paused, then added, "And I'm guessing this means you unforgive me, huh?" I don't answer him and step into the heavily wooded area. Michael wasn't far behind me. We walked for a while, calling Ren's name.

"Ugh! Where is he!?" I whined, getting desperate. He couldn't have gone too far, we rushed after him right when we noticed he left.

"We should split up," Michael suggests. "We can cover more ground that way."

"Split up? In the forest? Alone!?" I start to panic and Michael rolls his eyes.

"You're such a baby." And with that he turned around and vanished into some thick bush.

"REEEEEEEEEN!!!!" I scream as loud as I could. I almost wanted to say 'Here kitty kitty!' But I held myself back.

After about another 25 minutes of searching, I heard a scream. Not just any scream; it was the scream of my little baby Ren.

I ran to where I heard it coming from, just to find myself lost, unsure of which way was back to the park. By now, darkness was creeping it's way into the sky. I heard him scream again. "REN! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

"Keegan!?" I heard him scream back. He wasn't too far but the lack of sunlight made it difficult to see anything. I heard shuffling in a bush behind me and I spun around quickly. Out of the bush popped Ren... and Michael.

Ren rushed into my arms, clearly scared of Michael, who had a sly grin on his face. "Sorry, Keegan. Your little friend here was just so cute, I couldn't help myself." I felt my face get hot with anger.

"What did you do to him?" I growled through clenched teeth. I held on to Ren, making sure Michael wouldn't try and snatch him away.

"Oh not much. I touched his soft skin, even stole a few kisses." He chuckled. "You know, he is a great kisser. And his lips..." He smiled again. I looked down at Ren who's cheeks were bright red. He avoided looking me in the eyes. Was all of this true? "It was just starting to get good when I slipped my hand up his shirt. Ooooh he didn't like that. But I kept going, kissing his ne-" he didn't get to finish his sentence because I punched him in the jaw.

I picked Ren up, who wasn't very heavy at all and started running. I knew I had just unleashed the beast in Michael. I've seen it before. I really hoped I decided to run the right way because there was no turning back now. Michael was not far behind us, his face beet red with anger. I saw a shimmer of the park lights and almost jumped with joy.

When we got out of the forest and to the field, I let Ren down and we both ran to my car. We got in as fast as we could and sped away, no Michael in sight.


When we got home, Ren and I went up to my room. I turned to Ren who still looked at his feet bashfully.

"Is what he said back there true?" He nodded slowly. I felt angry. At Ren, at Michael, but mostly at myself. "Why did you let him kiss you?" I say, my voice sounding a little anger than intended.

"You've done it too!" He suddenly accused. He was finally looking at me, his eyes shimmered with tears. "You've done so much more with him! But you don't do anything with me!" He sniffled. I felt the guilt stab me in the chest. "He... he told me... he would give me more attention than you would. I was really desperate I guess because I let him. But then I realized..." He stopped. I took a few steps closer to him, tears stained my cheeks now along with his.

"What is it?" I ask softly, bringing him into a hug.

"It's nothing." He set his hands on my chest and looked up at me, now smiling despite the tears on his chest. "I just want to take a bath." I smiled.

"I'll go run the bath water." I whisper. I let go of him and walk into the bathroom. I turned on the water of my jacuzzi, extra warm. I wonder what he really wanted to tell me... Oh well. I guess it wasn't that important. I just need to make him feel better. Give him more attention.

I dumped nearly a gallon (not literally but it looked like it) of bubbles. When the bath was full, I undressed myself and got in. "Ren the bath is ready!!" I say. I smirk at myself for being so sexy. This is seriously the sexiest thing I've ever done.

When Ren walks in, his cheeks immediately turn red. I smile at him but he takes a step back. Is this not what he wanted? I frown. "What is it?" I ask. He shakes his head, suddenly smiling.

"Nothing... but uh, close your eyes." He says. Awwwww!!! How adorable!!! He's nervous but he makes it look adorable. I cover my eyes with my hands. After a few seconds I feel the water raise a little bit. I uncovered my eyes to see Ren sitting on the other end of the bath. I smile at him and he smiles back.

"You're adorable, you know that?" I move over to him, pinning against the side of the tub. He blushes and I smile. I lean down and gently place my lips on his. A rush went though my body. Underneath the water, I put my hands on his flat stomach and wrapped them around his waist. I felt him deepen the kiss and I smiled into it. I felt his small hands chest and then wrap around my neck.

When we pull back to take a breath, Ren softly whispered, "I-I love you, Keegan..." This just made me want him more. I wrap my arms around him and pull him onto my lap. He look at him and he bites his lip. I smile and kiss him again. I pull back after about 5 seconds though.

"We need to wash you, Mr. I'm-Going-To-Play-In-The-Sand-And-Then-Get-Lost-In-The-Forest." I smirk at him. He blushes and nods his head. I turn him around and pour some water on his head. I get the shampoo and dump some on his wet, blonde hair. I message it in, occasionally placing a kiss on his soapy neck.

When did I become like this? I think back and realize, it was all so sudden. It came out of nowhere and now that I think about it, it was all because of Ren. I never considered myself gay before I met him. Although, I probably should have because of what I did with Michael. I shudder and Ren notices, turning around and looking at me.

I smile, "Sorry. Turn around or I'll get shampoo in your eyes, silly." He smiled and turns his head back towards the door. We wash the shampoo out of his hair and I pull him backwards against me. I set my chin on his shoulder.

"Keegan?" He whispered as I kissed his jawline, causing him to lift up his head.

"Yes, Ren?" I ask him in between kisses.

He doesn't answer for a while. But he eventually whispers, "I want you to take me..." At this, I start to slightly freak out. Is this really happening? Ren wanted me to do that to him!? I couldn't say anything, I just sat there.

After a while of silence, Ren twisted himself so he was facing me and swiftly cupped my face, bringing me into a passionate kiss. I melted, right then and there. I wrapped my arms around Ren and pulled him closer to me, placing him on my lap. By now the water was getting cold, but neither of us seemed to care.

As our kiss deepens, I hear the doorknob twist, and in a split second I see my moms head start to pop on in.



Ah I'm sorry ;-; I just had to do it didn't I? I'm sowwy /)-0)

Im thinking about uploading some pictures for what the characters look like. I'm also thinking about making another book, if you have any suggestions about what it should be about, comment!! ^.~

Don't forget to comment/vote/follow/share!!!!

~Maddie Kat

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