Chapter 18

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|.:: Keegan's P.O.V. ::.|

Alone downstairs and starting to worry even more about Ren, I decided I wasn't just going to sit here and do nothing! I'm going to go find my little Neko and make things right! And guess what? I'm stealing Michael's car to do so.

I stomped out the front door, making sure not to slam it despite my anger. Dear god, let his keys be in the car. As I got in and looked for them, there they were. Already put in. Damn irresponsible ass hole. His car door was unlocked with the key inside, any maniac could come steal his car if they wanted to! But I had more important things to focus on.

Finding my Ren and keeping him safe forever.

|.:: Ren's P.O.V. ::.|

I sat at the end of Keegan's street in the pouring rain. I had given up. What was the point anymore? No one loved me. I was abandoned. For good. I had taken advantage of what I had and then gave up on it just like that. So I guess I deserve this.

The tears begin to start, knowing I'll never see Ren again. I didn't want Jasper or Michael or Katie or anyone! Just Keegan! Is that too much to ask? Well... Now it is.

I sat there, draining myself of ally tears, when headlights appeared. I tried ignoring them, but they were really bright! I sighed aloud as the car finally passed. But, about 10 feet away, it screeched to a stop. A figure jumped out and began running towards him.

Great. First I lose the love of my life and now I'm getting either kidnapped or raped.

I attempt to get up and run away, but that familiar, soothing voice calls out my voice. It was worried, just relieved but full of love. My heart melted and skipped about 20 beats all at the same time.

"Keegan!!" I scream, running towards the figure. We crash into each other roughly, but he picks me up anyways. Holding onto me tightly, he spins us around in a circle. By now, we were both soaked, but completely happy.

After Keegan returned me to my feet, he claimed my lips in his and I accepted it happily. We stand there battling for dominance for a while. Our shirts stuck to our skin along with out hair. Keegan's hands explored every part of me, as if making sure it wasn't a dream. I didn't blame him, I felt as if this were all a big fantasy.

Keegan finally pulls back and we both gasp for air. "Oh god, Ren. Never leave me again." He whimpers, burying his head in my neck. He kisses it a few times, causing the butterflies to return to my stomach. But he soon pulls back, saying, "Come on, let's go clean up."

|.:: Keegan's P.O.V. ::.|

I sigh, glad to be back at Michael's house, finally. I lead Ren to the bathroom by the hand, never ever wanting to lose contact with him again.

Tonight, to celebrate the fact of us being reunited, I was going to be super romantic. I want to make sure he know just how much I love him.

I turn on the bath water to Michael's jacuzzi. I added a lot of bubble bath stuff because I know how much Ren likes it. I swiftly take off my soaked shirt, turning to Ren. The shade of his cheeks deepened as I slowly (and seductively) took off his shirt. I smirk and wrap my arms around his waist, pulling me closer.

I kiss his neck softly, leaving some marks. He moans and squirms underneath my grip, which makes me smile. I let my hands travel to the hem of his jeans, which were, of course, mine so they were pretty big on him anyways. This made it easy for me to slip them, along with his boxers, off. I opened my eyes to look at him and he honestly looked like he squirted tomato sauce on his face.

I laugh as he quickly dives into the jacuzzi before I could get a good look at him. I take off my jeans and boxer, exposing my hard on, which I have had since our steamy makeout scene in the rain. I awkwardly hide it as I slip in the tub next to Ren. I turn off the water, as it was almost to the point of overflowing.

"I love you, Ren." I say as I pull him closer to me, making his bare back touch my chest. He makes some sort of sighing sound which sounded happy just kind of awkward. Like the situation.

"I love you too, Keegan." He whispers, turning his head up towards mine. I place my lips on his, pulling him even closer. I let my hands travel along his chest as my lips devour his. Ren moans into this kiss, just making me more eager. But we can't do much in this god damn tub, now can we?

I pull away from the kiss with a smile, reaching over to some Axe body wash. "I need to wash you." I say in a seductive tone, causing Ren to bite his lip. I squirt a generous amount of liquid into my hand, then bring them both together to make the bubbles. Then, I begin to massage the small neko's chest and back with it. Next, I gently let me hands go under water, rubbing down to his stomach.

Knowing the bubbles were gone, but also not caring, I continue to rub on a very flushed Ren. His ears had flattened and his cheeks were a nice rosy red. I smiled, reaching my head to kiss each one of his glistening cheeks.

Before long, I had him all "washed," so I began to drain the tub. I get out first, grabbing the two towels off the counter. I put one around my waist, a toss the other to Ren, who was now standing behind me.

"Thank you for washing me.." He said, messing with his fingers. I laugh, grabbing a small towel. I set it atop his head and ruffle it in purpose of both drying his hair and making him flustered. It worked as his face turned redder than before.

"No problem." I whisper in his ear. I take both of his hands and lead him out of the steamy bathroom and into my nice, cool bedroom. But, I don't hesitate to push Ren down onto my bed, crawling on top of him with a smile on my face.

He giggles as my towel comes loose in the process and falls off at the foot of the bed. Oh well.

Less work for me later, if you know what I mean.


Sorry to end it so suddenly like that! But the next chapter will be exciting! I just felt really bad for not updating in forever, I just had to upload something.

Also, I am in the process of moving so in about two weeks, I might not have access to a computer or even a phone. But until then, I'll try to update as much as possible.

Wish my luck with the drama that comes along with moving! Never fun.

Love you all for reading and giving my books a chance! Don't forget to read some of my other book, will be updating them soon as well!

Kisses! <3

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